Apologies for the late reply...
Shirley...you do have 70 pics in your gallery...
Your friends are listed under "friends" at the top of your profile page...They do not all show on your profile page. Again clicking on the "Media" tab at the top of your profile page shows all 70 images...If all were to show on your profile page it would be cumbersome.
Whoops...I then see Miss Pink has responded...
I'm working my way down the topic to cover all questions without reading the rest of the topic else i'll get confused
Sorry Frank...just nipped to page 2 to see your question...Seems I missed it....Will look now...brb
ok...loads fine in Chrome...confirm it doesn't work in IE....off to have a look at why...brb
OK...It seemed to be a problem with the embed code from google...I've recopied the embed code and thew vid is now fixed in all browsers. IE can be a fussy browser and the slightest mistake in the code would make it throw a wobbler..