Thinking of this hotel cant find many reviews ,not sure what to do,seems to be not for the english ,although thomsons are featuring it in next years brochure????
We were also thinking of booking this hotel for next year. We have posted a question on the Crete forum as to whether it is geared mostly to other nationalaties and people seem to be of the opinion that at the moment it is. But for some reason seem to think there will be a lot more British there next year. There are a couple of reviews on the Holidays Uncovered web site. All of which are good.
Someone on the 'Good all-inclusives' section has posted the name of this hotel on page 5. You could PM them and get them to tell you more.
A couple of years ago I tried to research this hotel but found it almost impossible to find anyone who'd been.
i gave up in the end although it had good reviews it being a mainly german hotel put us off,so have booked elsewhere.Got an excellent deal to turkey A/I in july next year.cant wait!!