The following assumes you want to live elsewhere, not just property-invest:
The most important criterion is whether you need to generate an income (work, or start a business) in your destination country. If so, then a holiday island would probably be a bad choice, especially if you are not fluent in its language.
If you have an independent income, then the world is your oyster. But suddenly deciding to buy a mansion in Fiji or central France or Turkey or Cape Verde may not be wise. Here are some of the criteria I used in order to choose:
1 ) Weather: Can you cope with extremes of heat and cold? Are there storms and/or intolerable humidity?
2 ) Availability: Do you need to be able to visit the UK cheaply and easily?
3 ) Language: Are you willing to learn a non-English language?
4 ) Culture: Do you need an ex-pat community around you? Are 'the locals' tolerant and friendly towards UK immigrants? Do you have some admiration for the local culture and values?
5 ) Transport: Do you need a good public transport infrastructure?
6 ) Location: Is it a good base for further travel/holidays?
7 ) Security: Is crime a problem? (it can be, where local unemployment is high, or drugs are a local issue)
9 ) Stability: Is the government stable? Could your situation as a foreign resident suddenly change for the worse?
10 ) Finance: If you invest in a property, will its sale price rise enough for you to be able to sell up and return to the UK easily?
11 ) Cost of living: Will your income afford you to enjoy your new country?
12 ) Health: Are the doctors and hospitals cheap and adequate? Would you have to return to the UK for major treatments?
13 ) Family & friends: Can they visit cheaply and easily? Stay in your new home for a bit? Would they resent your move, or support it? Will they visit you, or you visit them? Will you be able to keep in touch?
14 ) Communication: Phones, and increasingly important; Internet access?
15 ) Reversibility: Do you need to maintain a 'bolt hole' in the UK?
16 ) Affordability: Can you purchase the sort of home you need in the sort of location you want in the new country?
17 ) Environment: Do you mind living amongst tourists? Do you prefer an urban, suburban or country life?
18 ) Services: Do you require local supermarkets, and UK-style water, drains, electricity, gas and rubbish collection?
19 ) Boredom: Plenty of entertainment/restaurants etc? Still lots to explore afer the first year there?
20 ) Prospects: Is the new location expanding or in decline? Will it still be a nice place to live in 5 years time? Is there a chance that a bunch of hotels and a motorway will be built next to your new home? Could your new home become worthless if key services stop - like cheap UK flights, or a change of government, or the only local town going into decline?
21 ) Motive: Are you wanting to move
toward something, or simply
away from something else?
22 ) Stress: Would your new life be less stressful? Is that what you want?
23 ) Opportunity: Will this opportunity to live abroad be repeated? Would you regret not 'taking the plunge' at some future date?
24 ) Commitment: Ask yourself "would I be content to live the rest of my life in this place?" Or is it really some kind of 'long holiday' you are looking for?
Everyone's answers to these questions will vary - and you might want to apply them to your current UK location to get a sense of perspective!
I weighed
my own requirements with the above, and came up with the western side of Tenerife, in a suburban setting, near to a main road and away from the coast. Most of the other residents in the smallish estate are Spanish. I am a driver, but the bus stop is nearby. The new home has 2 spare bedrooms, which relatives and friends can use. Internet access is good. Cost of living is well within my means. Plenty to do, and explore for some time to come.
Long post! HTH