Landed and arrived in resort late Friday night so no worries on sun cream..
Saturday was a bit dull and didn't feel to hot with the rather cool wind, went off doing the first day bits and pieces (getting milk, coffee etc, wander around the area to see whats open, how the new path has come along etc). Didn't put any suncream on as the sun wasn't really out....!!
Ok Ok, I know now don't I !... yes thats right its not like being at home in the UK where the sun barely gets strong enough to burn you during the middle of summer these days ! I wasn't uncovered and only my arms, face and legs were exposed which is normal for me even at home so they aren't that prone to burning.
Did go a little red on my face later in the day and spent the next few days with factor 30 on my face to protect it, still got a tan but did get a little flaky skin when the moisturising dried up...!
BE WARNED... You aren't at home... this sun even in the "cool" April months when the sun doesn't really seem to be out is still doing its bit !