I buy a couple of tabloid newspapers at the airport; read them - takes about 20 mins total

, then I read the in-flight magazine if they have one - First Choice just seem to have the price list for all the junk they sell and no nice travel mag

I try to save my Heat magazine for the pool/beach when I get there but if the in-flight movie is rubbish then Heat has to come out (going to pack it in my suitcase next time). One year I tried to start reading my holiday novel (Da Vinci Code), but with the constant announcements from the cabin crew it took me about half an hour just to get through the first couple of pages, so I gave up and saved it for the beach.
I always used to paint my nails to pass the time but I'm not sure we'll be allowed nail polish now with the ban on liquids. I usually have a couple of new albums on the mp3 player, so I listen to them too. Buying a couple of drinks/snacks, having the "meal" and debating whether to spend good money on some expensive Lancome lip glosses which I'd never normally even look at usually passes a bit of time too. This is all on a short-haul Canary Islands flight. Never been long haul, I think I'd probably be climbing the walls with boredom if I ever went to Florida or anywhere that far
Son puts his favourite movies on his PSP and both kids load up their iPods with more music than they'll listen to in the whole holiday. Son has video iPod, so this year he might put his films on that instead.