We usually go away twice, twoo weeks in summer and one week either May or October but this year we are only going once. What with our oldest duaghter now at school and the little one over two it has cost us more this year so we are going just the once but for a bit longer.
I am determined to get my flights booked really early so I can get a good deal for next year and go twice. I just have to convince my hsuabnd now as he is the one who has to pay for it
went to kefalonia,lassi may/june,beautiful island,but found it a bit to quiet of an evening.so gone from one extreme to the other and trying benidorm early sept.
I am lucky this year and have had a week in Zante in My, week in Cyprus next Wed, 5 days at a friends villa in Spain in Sept and fancy a week in Egypt in Nov. Also had a weekend in Glasgow March another trip to Glasgow Oct and Weekend in Amsterdam Aug bank holl x