I still have no idea of how much money to take thailand with us, there is myself, hubby and son (15) so basically 3 adults!
We go next Saturday and by my hubbys calculations we will should be in Bangkok for 4pm sunday (with time difference), need to buy food for 3 days and nights in Bangkok, then the same for 3 nights in Phuket, after that we are full board in the elephant hills for 3 nights then we go onto Krabi for 3 nights which is just breakfast included.
I know how much the excursions are that I think we will be doing so basically I just need an idea of how much cash to take for food, but I'm thinking it's best not to have too much cash on us when we get to the elephant hills because I'm assuming I'm going to have to carry it around with us as I shouldn't imagine the tents are very secure......
people keep telling me to draw it from a cash till when you need it but I have NEVER used a cash till abroad and am just worried in case something happens to my card..i.e the machine keeps it..

Please please can anyone tell me what the best thing to do..
cheers susan