Hi Sweet 42! We first went on holiday leaving our son alone when he was 16. This was 12 years ago however & I think it was probably safer to do so then. His granparents lived in the same village so we knew there was someone about if anything did go wrong. What about having one of his friends to stay with him?
and would you feel happy about leaving him on his own....
its very hard to give advice about some bodys else child i am afraid.....
you must decide............
not very helpful am i .....
I wouldn't feel happy leaving my Son who is 15yrs old home alone to go on holiday. We are lucky enough to be able to leave him with my Mum if we go away. I think overnight would be OK if there was a support network around (grandparents, aunts and uncles) but anymore than that and I wouldn't settle.

Interesting topic this as my Hubby and I are due to go London for one night in October, I have a 15 year old Son and 13 year old Daughter, they are sensible when they want to be and I have decided to leave them though I keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing. We left them last year whilst staying out for one night but my Sister came over in the evening and just slept at the house with them and then she went back home the following morning. It will be the first time we've ever done this and we will be home by lunchtime the following day. I don't have any family back up on this occasion but we get on very well with our surrounding neighbours and I know they can turn to them if they needed to.
we left our daughter[and a friend for company] from about 13 ys but only overnight, we had no worries as she was extremely mature for her age, for longer periods she use to stop at a friends house, at the end of the day its down to maturity and trustworthiness, only YOU know this about your child and you must suffer the consequences if it goes wronge
depending on how mature and adult like your son is, will make you decide if it is wice to leave him alone.
we have a 15 year old son who we consider to be a very sensible/mature lad, but no way would i want to leave him alone while i went on holiday.
We haven't even felt comfortable enough to leave him overnight yet - he goes to his grans if we go away for the night.
I deff think 15 is too young to be left alone while you go on holiday.

Isn't it tough being a parent, if only there were a manual we could just turn to and it give us the answers

English law does not specify an age when a child can be left unsupervised. However, parents may be prosecuted for neglect if they leave a child alone "in a manner which is likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health" (Children and Young Persons Act, 1933).
Lots of useful information.
In my opinion (and from personal experience as a parent) the sixteenth birthday/year is the point where you have your last holiday with them as a parent.
It is possible, with some thought, too turn it into a memorable holiday.
They are growing up at last and the holiday can be a celebration that they are doing so. Involve them in the planning and get their ideas what you can do as a family. That is what happy memories are made of.
I think (but the law changes so often) that it's illegal to leave a child under 16 alone for more than one night. Advice can be found at http://www.childrenslegalcentre.com At the end of the day it's best to be safe than sorry, Linda x
If you were absolutely confident, then you wouldn't need to ask if it's OK, you'd know.
Personally I wouldn't even leave my 17 year old on his own (and he's nearly 18) I'd be worried about him having friends round and things getting out of control. And I know he'd be upset to miss out on a holiday anyway.
Obviously though, some kids are more mature and sensible than others and you know your own child.
I believe sweet is only talking about overnight ,im assuming by her original post she means just the 1.
My son came on his last holiday with us when he was 15. The following year he decided that it was uncool to holiday with us and stayed at home. We were away for a fortnight and were happy enough to leave him as he'd have the company of his 19 yr old brother. As it turned out his brother wasn't home much but he coped fine. No harm came to him but whilst he was ironing, let the iron fall and scorched the carpet!! Could have been worse.
I believe sweet is only talking about overnight ,im assuming by her original post she means just the 1.
If we are talking a holiday of more than a couple of nights thats different

I don't think I would be happy.Not that I don't trust my child but things can get out of hand if other kids find out the house is" empty" and before you know it, a party is advertised on the internet !! We've all read about it.
Talk to your son honestly, admit your worries and tell him you value his opinion. if he really is ok with it and it's only the one night, I would go for it but make sure you're both clear about back up, ie letting neighbours know, who to call, etc.
My son was about that age when he first stopped the night alone and was absolutely fine with it but when later we went away for 3 nights he opted to stay with Grandparents.
Kids generally know what they're comfortable with if we take the trouble to ask them and really listen to the answers!
My hubby is a police officer................. don't do it unless you wanna be charged with child neglect. Over 16 is fine though
this is the latest publication from the NSPCC- this month in fact.

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