When my stepson was young he never went in the sea as it stung his excema. I persaudued him to try it one year and although it stung at first, in the end his skin was much better. It may not help your daughter but it certainly helped him.
Thanks sandyboy, I never thought of that .I must admit i wouldnt let her in the sea as we were close to the fort and the current was very strong. The first day we were there she stood on the edge of the water and as it tickled her toes it knocked her off her feet. I shall have to take her a bit further along and see if that will help. Cheers Anna.
Find a local doctor in Goa that treats skin conditions (a search on the net would identify the ones) and seek their help, the Goan Doctors are brilliant and it's a totally different experience from seeing doctors in the good old UK. It costs about 300 rps for a consultation.
Hope this helps
Try some of the beaches in the south, the water is calmer or Coco beach near Candolim, it is perfect for kids.

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