Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
12 Posts
I prefer Hurghada to Sharm as it is much quieter..much less hustle and bustle and far less hassle when going shopping..although they all try it on!

I have not stayed at the hotel you mentioned but everywhere is not too far from the main drag and you should be able to get a taxi if it is not within walking distance.

There are plenty of good diving schools at Hurghada.

Sorry I could not be of more assistance.
Im happy to read this VAL I am going there next monday ... :cheers colleen
Hurghada is less 'polished' and sanitised than Sharm el Sheikh - though it is a tourist destination it has more of an Egyptian feel. Generally speaking the off beach snorkelling is better in Sharm though I think there are probably some exceptions - normally one takes a boat for off shore snorkelling. I'm off there again in 3 weeks time - it will be my eighth time there so that says it all really.
I am off there this Friday. Will let you know how I get on. I think the hotel is about a 15min drive from the main resort centre.
Have a great time "battlezone"!! Be great to hear how you get on..
There are no shops etc near that hotel well a small block only, there is a new shopping mall within walking distance but I guess most will still be to let as yet. If you like to stroll out in the evening then maybe that hotel is in the wrong location for you. It's not that far though say 15-20 mins in a taxi to the centre or the Marina approx £5 each way. Oh and there is a club called the Havana, rave?? you can walk to.. but i'd prefer to run from lol.

I'm off to that hotel on August 4th we have a son 14 and a daughter 11. We stayed at the Primasol Titanic last year and they loved the rides we did'nt see the kids much, great holiday ;) hence were are going back. So we chose the LTI this time as the hotel now had to have a water park! Slightly fewer rides at the LTI, but has 4 ten pin bowling alleys, on the beach with own reef and with more restaurant choice, and just over 2 years old... so nice time to go there.

We went for a relaxing hotel holiday with a few nights days out into the town to eat etc via taxi. If this is what you want then it's great as they have lifeguards every where and on all the slides so great for kids and heaven for parents.
We returned last night after two weeks at the LTI Titantic Beach Spa and I must admit I was glad to get back home. The hotel and some of the facilities are wonderful. The aquapark and the swimming pool kept my three children amused the whole time. We had a family room which was basically two bedrooms with one bathroom - it was kept clean and the mini fridge kept stocked. Our major problem was with the food. The whole family suffered from food poisoning the whole two weeks. My husband complained to the rep and his manager came to the hotel so that forms could be filled out. The food in the buffet restaurants was often cold, unless you arrived when the restaurant opened the tables were not cleaned properly when people left, the orange is powdered, most drinks - except the beer, was always warm. As a family we have been to Dominican Republic 5 times and last year we went to Cuba. We have never suffered from stomach problems.

Most sunbeds are taken by 7.00am by towels - but if you are not on your sunbed by 8.00am they remove your towel. Fresh orange juice is 25 LE, you have to pay extra for decent apples, water melon, and oranges.

We flew by Thomas Cook and had no problems with our outbound flight. Our return flight was a nightmare. We arrived at check-in at the airport to find out that we were not listed for the flight. Panic time. I had paid extra for reserved specific seats also. It was a real panic as we finally got on the plane when check in closed. My husband ended up 30 rows behind me and the three children.
Sounds like you had a good holiday then except for the mummy's tummy of course.

Doubt very much it was food poisning lol.
isnt the titanic beach in turkey?
There is a hotel in Turkey called the Titanic Beach Resort yes. But this thread was referring to one of the two Titanic Hotels in Hurghada namely the LTI Titanic Beach the other one for the record being the Primasol Titanic Resort and Aqua Park. I would imagine there are others elsewhere too.
Thanks for letting us know how you got on "battlezone". Sorry you were ill - I'm afraid that has put us off, as well as the fact it sounds like it's a taxi ride from town. This website is great for getting info about places. Hope you're all feeling better now...
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