just got back home after our holiday to brazil at the new iberostar bahia in salvador. we went with first choice holidays who looked after us well. the trip started well meeting up with several people from the iberostar discussion group at the airport. after several beers we set off on time on the new 767 2-3-2 seat plan planes. with being on the large size the 33" leg room in cattle class has certainly made a big difference.
we arrived in salvador on time and having filled in the imigration form on the plane it only took about 20 mins to get out of the airport. first choice reps george (who was our rep at the iberostar) and JB(john baxter) who we first met as our rep in Goa made us welcome and pointed out the transport to our hotel. we had a band at the airport as we were the first first choice people to arrive.
so onto the hotel. after going through the impressive main security gate the hotel looked fabulous against the backdrop of palmtrees. onto main reception which again was pretty painless as we had filled the registration forms in on the bus coming from the airport. 10 miutes later we were in our room overlooking the pool. our baggae was delivered by the very efficient bell boys we had had a shower and got changed and it was down to the bar for a beer. the hotel decorations are very very impressive. the hotel achitect has done a great job, the building is fabulous.
the hotel was full with spanish from corporate Toyota. some of their manners left a lot to be desired and coupled with the fact that the bar and waiter staff could not speak english we found it hard to get a drink as they could speak spanish and they tended to serve the people they could understand. but saying that the staff were all going to english lessons and it did get alot better as time went on(also a few reals tip went along way)
the food was very european not like iberostar in mexico. there we got steaks breakfast, dinner and tea as they were catering for the yanks. also we did get lobster and king prawns on 2 occasions. in brazil we did get steak once or twice and king prawns twice. no lobster but then again there were no americans there. the food generally was excellent. it was of a high standard and well presented. food hygene was excellent. service in this resteraunt was the only thing that could be critisized. i think it was more due to the fact that they could not speak english or us (no portugese) but generally it was a bit slow to get drinks or even water sometimes. but they did try and they were getting better.
there were 3 speciallity resteraunts. first the japanese. all i can say is dont miss it. its great fun and the food is excellent. nothing more to say as it was my favourite. service was brilliant
second was the mediteranean. this was my wifes favourite. you had a great selection of hot and cold starters followed by a meat or fish main course. of course the deserts were fabulous as was all the resteraunts. you had your own personel waiter and the service was first class. (watch out for the wine. every time your glass got half empty they filled it up again.)
third was the brazilian (or as they called it the steakhouse) this was the slightly dissapointing resteraunt.the service was again good but i was expecting the usual hot and cold starters followed by a nice fat juicy steak. it wasnt. it was a succession of big kebabs of different fruit and meat. there was rump steak and serloin but it was a large joint of both meats but on a skewer and then sliced off at your table. nice but not what i was expecteing but apparently thats how the brazilians have there steak. so the food was good just not my cup of tea. others enjoyed it and you have to try it.
speciality eating has to be booked and you can get in each one once a week. but you can get in more if their is room.
usual other facilities include games and computer room.snooker room. library etc.
the pools are excellent. some work is still being done round the pool. some of the sun shades are still to be fitted. 12 were put in whilst we were there.but it wasnt too inconvenient. still some more to go in but it should be done in the next week or so. all the decking round the pool is of hardwood and varnished. unfortunatly it became like an ice rink when it got wet and several people slipped. we pointed this out to the manager. he immediatly had the varnish stripped. this took about a week.but they did stop at 9am and didnt start again till all the people had left the pool area in the evening. free towels around the pool which you just exchange whenever you like. plenty of sun beds now around the pool and even more for the beach. when they finish the next phase of 450 bedrooms if there is not another pool they could be a shortage of beds. the swim up bar served all drinks and seemed to be very popular. it wasnt that easy to get a drink if you wernt in the pool and the general mille at the top of the stairs all trying to get drinks is positivly dangerous and we think the management are going to rail it off.lets hope nobody falls in the meantime. there is a beach snack bar that serves beer and soft drinks plus fast food.(burgers and such like) it is not on the beach as i dont think they are allowed because of the turtles but it is as close as they can get it. the brazilian is open at lunch and the pizzas are to die for. as is the main buffet resteraunt.
generally the whole complex is fabulous. the staff and animation team are very friendly. the manager who is a workaholic and will try his hardest to listen to your comments and act on them. all the senior staff are very attentive and again will do almost anything to make your holiday a pleasure even if some communications with the waiting staff and the customers left a bit to be desired. they are on a learning curve and they are picking up our british ways very quickly.
the nearby village that is mentioned in the brochure is praia do forte. its brilliant safe and vibrant. it takes 50 mins to walk along the beach or about 10 mins in a taxi which costs 20 reals(£6 ) 3.5 reals to the £. the courtesy bus does not exist. go and see the turtles. its well worth it.
non motorised water sports do not exist and will not be taking place as the sea is too dangerous(strong undercurrents) i think that motorised cannot take place because of the turtles. no turtles yet as they dont lay till later in the year.
all in all we had a brilliant holiday. we did one of the trips but they were generally naf and expensive. 40 dollars each for a conoeing,jeep and beach trek. it was ok but nothing special. rio was very expensive and most people did it on the way out at the beginning of there holiday. we worked it out to be £300+ each to go but all in all one to remember.
as for the weather. we had 2 days when it rained heavilly. one day for 5 hours and one for 7 hours. we had 4 days when it was wall to wall sunshine and very hot. the rest of the time it was cloudy with occasional bright spots. but it is the beginning of winter so this weather is to be expected. it did not spoil the holiday for us but alot of people did moan that it wasnt sunny all the time. if they had done there homework they should have known.
there is a kids club and if you look at the picture gallery on http://www.iberostar-board.com/picture_library/showgallery.php?cat=530 then you will find all the bumf about the hotel that has been posted by iberodave. hes done a great job.
excellent hotel and staff. it has a few teething problems which is to be expected but they are learning fast. i wouldnt go to this hotel if you want lots of shops and bars on your doorstep. there isnt any. praia do forte is 10 mins taxi drive away or 55 mins walk down the beach. turtles are a must to see and the shops bars and resteraunts are great.
hope this helps everyone.
smudger2 and jubileepat

Edited by
2006-05-27 11:32:13