My husband has just been diagnosed with diabetes - insulin injections 4 times a day. He passed his PADI last year. Does anyone know if he will be able to dive again this year. Our Dr doesnt know. We are going to Sharm in October.
Sorry can't be of any help with this as I don't dive and am a diet controlled diabetic but I would just like to offer advice to others in the same position as myself who snorkel. A couple of years ago on a snorkeling boat trip the first snorkelling stop was quite long - about an hour and I wasn't wearing fins so expended quite a lot of energy swimming- in addition to this I had become separated from the group and began to panic as I could feel that I was 'going low' and was struggling to reach the boat. A couple of sugary cokes and lunch sorted me out but now I always make sure I take a couple of glucose tablets before the snorkel stop - oh and I also wear fins!