Millar Rental did this a while ago in areas that had no ADSL via a radio transmission picked up by an aerial. Also there is a guy on this board somewhere that says he is intending to provide a radio solution.
sat internet access has a high latency ie its slow to respond as the return path is over a 56k land line therefore its no good for gamers.
the service i will be providing will be wireless ( always on) but with low latency very near to broadband.
if anyone is interested pm me with a rough location of where they are and i will try to provide access in those areas first.
for now i do not want exact addresses.
i hope to provide access at a competetive price to telephonica but with a fast friendly english speaking service
i will keep this forum updated
There are loads of potential customers waiting for your arrival. If you can pull it off you will be onehelluva popular guy.
Was chatting to Miller staff and they said the main problem they had was cross interference of radio signals. The broadcast regulation out here is not good. Even commercial radio stations get their frequencies hijacked / squelshed out etc! Something for you to bare in mind and overcome maybe.
The fact that you offer "friendly English service" speaks volumes. ARE YOU READING THIS TELEFONICA?! Oh sorry, of couse there not... "Telefonica No Ingles, ESPANIOL ONLY!!" (sound of dead phone line......)

Good luck Richard

PS. Can you stream C4 as well please. Big Brother starts in may!

Any update on this? We are thinking of getting a laptop instead of a PC to start, so an non-landline option will be essential.
There are other people already on the Island doing a similar thing.
RE laptop... Try PC international PM me for their number
Hi all I now have internet (via wireless) in Las Rosas most of Golf del Sur, the camp site in las rosas, Las Chafiras, Adeje, Torviscas Alto and soon Los Cristianos I have partial cover in Valley San Lorenzo and Buzanada and from Monday which will be covering part of grenadillia and sourounding areas
Sorry to sound so thick but does that mean I can sit in my apartment with a laptop and get a connection or do I have to wander around the area carrying it with me? (I want the comfy option)
just sit at home and surf
will it reach palm mar?
re palm mar.... can you see the plantations the other side of the roundabout on the guazza - las galleatas road?
Can you PM me an email or telephone contact. Will be working in Los Cristianos this summer and will need to email work back from wireless laptop to UK.
can't see plantations in direct line of sight of course.
however if you can extend to palm mar , i'm sure there will be plenty of interest
Perhaps not at the reported cost of 240 euros connection plus 40 euro per month!!
Perhaps not at the reported cost of 240 euros connection plus 40 euro per month!!
Has a business user I would still be interested. The monthly charge is reasonable and the high connection charge probably reflects the set up costs of a system in Tenerife!! but it should be a deductable expense

Can you PM me an email or telephone contact. Will be working in Los Cristianos this summer and will need to email work back from wireless laptop to UK.
Just bumping need contact ASAP

Oh... And don't listen to any of their hype about 20Mb/s download and stuff. The phone-lines here in Tenerife are incapable of transmission higher than 4Mb/s, and to get even that rate, Telefonica would have to upgrade your line, and will only do that for registered businesses with NIF numbers. Ordinary phone-lines here can only support 1Mb/s MAX.
Further note here: "" were also highly unhelpful in all of this, and contrary to many reports on this forum, Telefonica themselves have so far been the only helpful people I have dealt with, even sending out one of THEIR engineers to check my line all the way back to the exchange, to verify that Wanadoo were lieing!
Sorry if this is slightly off-topic, but I thought you should be warned. For all the bad stuff we hear about Telefonica, they are still the only company in Tenerife worth going to for land-line ADSL.
Thanks for listening!
in reply to peters comment. the service was origonally set up for people in rural areas where they could not get a telephone line let allone an internet connection. it costs a lot to set up a site and part of this is passed on to the customers in the installation fee. allong with the internet connection we provide them with cheap phone calls and a UK land line number (this is done through a third party) the savings on call costs to the UK (1.9 cents per min) and the lack of telephone line rentals can be offset against our charges. this makes the service a reasonable price. we can switch service on and off so if you come out for 2 months you only pay for the time you use. if you pay for 2 months and only come out for 6 weeks you have 2 weeks credit for the next time you are out.
I'll get in before Peter comes back on, to say that it was I, not he, who was a bit negative on your services. I agree, that for someone who cannot even get a phone line, that your service is the obvious answer ... I just suppose, for us nearer civilization, there might be a cheaper alternative without the initial high set up cost!
Best of luck with your project

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