I know that it is available, I have used it!
So why, when you e-mail someone in Goa do you never get a reply?
Everyone and his dog has an e-mail address, but getting replies to queries or information via this system seems to be virtually impossible.
I find trying to hold a converstion with someone there via mobile difficult, with the time lag ,accents etc, texting is a drawn out process and can be difficult to put any questions in full
E-mail is so much simpler and you can print off the answer in case of disputes later.
I find that a great many people in Cuba also have email addresses but I don't know of anybody who has Internet access at home - and very few businesses have it on-site either and even when they do it's likely to be via a dial-up service. The usual way of accessing it is via one of the state owned telecommunications company, Etexa, and while a 30 mins session costs very little by our standards it is costly in relation to local living standards and wages. So I wonder if the same is true of Goa? In the UK we have got used to email being a very cheap and easy to use communications medium with most of us who use it on here having good, fast reliable Broadband access at home but this isn't always the case in other parts of the world.
i.e hotels and taxi drivers etc, all with cards showing their e-mails but never bothering to check it.
And I think that in many situations, business cards should be seen primarily as a bit of PR rather than a piece of contact information. I've come across it elsewhere that an email address is seen as something which adds prestige and status rather than being a frequently used means of communication. And the fact that emails can be printed out and used as evidence in the event of disputes at a later date might be a reason why some people, despite having an email address, prefer not to use it in their dealings with visitors?

The one I am thinking about in particular advertises internet access amongst its facilities, gave me written quote but still doesn't answer mails.
Answers phones quick enough but very difficult to understand (a bit like talking to an indian call centre with a problem!)

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