constantly thinks about holidays?
Sometimes me and my partner have little arguments (disagreements) because I'm always wanting to plan our next holiday as soon as we get back off one (or sometimes whilst we're still there!!)
I don't go to the extent of browsing the internet on holiday for our next holiday deal, but I like to talk about holidays all the time.
My partner didn't have a holiday abroad until we started dating over 8 years ago, where as I have been on holidays since I was a baby. You would think that it would be him who is 'obsessed' with holidays.
He says that we spend much of our disposable income on holidays, which is not true, as things like transport and clothing/ house appliances obviously come first, oh and of course bills.
We haven't got credit cards, so we only go on holiday if we have saved the money.
This post is probably sounding like a rant, but honest it isn't. Im just trying to see if this is 'normal'.

I asked him if he wanted a weekend away somewhere in July whilst our son is away with his grandparents, and he said no because we have just got back from Cyprus.
So, I'm going to Majorca in July for 3 nights (thurs-sunday). I haven't told him yet though, but it's a bit tough because it's already booked!! I know some people may think I'm a bit mean for not telling him yet, but he was adament that he didn't want to go away, and he's working all weekend anyway.

I'm always planning what to do next too,we've had a long weekend away ,8 days in Spain,we've got a week in Cornwall booked and a fortnight in Turkey booked.I think I pushed it a bit too far though when I asked where shall we go in October.I love my holidays and I work to pay for them.We don't go out much when we're at home because hubby works nights and most of the time it's just me and my dogs at home,youngest son lives part time here and the rest of the time at his girlfriends,so I spend a lot of time on the laptop looking for holidays.
I get a buzz from the moment I start to look for a hol. I have my own business and I work 11 weeks then have a week off ( well this is always the plan but sometimes it's a bit longer) However hubby is not as enthusiastic about the hols and is a musician who tends to have loads of gigs at the most inconvenient times. He also teaches at schools and is quite limited for time. And he doesn't like the sun ( it's not too keen on him either) but he loves to fish fish fish - and no not even beach fishing he's a coarse fisherman so it's lakes and trees.
Sadly my dad died seven years ago but my mum is still very much alive and is a wonderful septogenarian ( She hates being called a seventy plus year old) SOOOOOO we have our sneaky weeky away - just me and her!!! Wonderful !!! She's happy, I'm really happy and hubby is more than happy to send us off and leave him to fish etc!!!
We still go away once a year - just me and him- but this suits us fine!!
I always look for bargains and late deals and have been really lucky with finding bargains. I think it's the chance to get away from it all as even if I do try and take a day off here, my phone never stops and I always end up working. When I'm away it's no phone, and just chill time. I get to read books, chill out and people wactch - something which never seems to happen in my real world!!

I am really lucky to have a husband who really doesn't mind us going away - in fact he encourages it, and a mother who loves to come away!! Mind you hubby goes away for 3 days fishing which costs the same as my bargain sneaky weeky!!!
I was really ill for several years and didn't think I'd still be here - so we really do try and get the most out of life and enjoy it when we can!!

Its killing me that I avent booked it yet...bloomin of the toughest years as of b/f isnt goin he would rather go london to the doctor who exhibition even though he can afford a holiday but then his excuse is I need 600 quid for holiday clothes...he is a pain in the peruvial..

Family and friends think I'm always on the net looking for the next one (I am

Shirley, I booked another one yesterday so have three more to have this year!!
There will be no inheritance for my boys and I do need some things replacing for the house but that all goes out the window with my one obsession. some would say I need professional help

yummymummy go for it and live for today as the song goes ...."enjoy yourself it's later than you think"
My philosophy on holidays is that when I'm in my rocking chair I'm not going to remember the carpet that I bought but I WILL remember my lovely holidays so bye bye new carpet
My philosophy is much the same as Glynis'. I spend ages checking deals, reviews, etc., so that when I can finally get the missus to discuss our next holiay, I've got loads of options & info. She loves going away, but she can't stand all the research, which I love, so everybody's happy. Sorted.
we got back Monday from Kefalonia, and im already looking forward to Kos in September [without remembering we are off to the Costa Dorado in july on a family holiday] and off this weekend camping with friends and Puddle chucking [Carp fishing] with more camping weekends during the summer [if we get one]
I have several bits of plastic worth a fair few bob and a strong current account so if i could get time off i could go to my beloved Greece [or Cyprus or Portugal]every month of the season. But that would spoil a good thing.. I love my week at a time holidays to break up an otherwise boring year of work

Holidays are an important part of my life and I spend an enormous amount of time researching different places to go (and believe me I've been to some very different places) unfortunately my OH doesn't really like going on holiday so for many years now I have either taken trips on my own or with a friend, with OH accompanying me on the odd holiday. He has agreed to go to South Africa with me next February but when I've asked him for some input on the trip he keeps saying I'll leave it all up to you. So I've been busy doing research, booking flights and hotels and even though the holiday is not for 9months I'm spending hours doing research on what is there. By the time I go I will have read just about every travel guide and internet site planning what to see and do.
I love going on holidays too, but we don't tend to book too much in advance. We tend to start looking a couple of months before my annual leave is due. We've booked a couple with just weeks to spare. I wouldn't go on holiday without hubby let alone book one for myself without telling him. I would be mad if he did it to me and vice versa but each to their own
I usually tell my manager as I am puting in my request for time of for holidays 2012, which has to be put in a special book, at this time of year, and when they get 2012 diarys, my holidays get entered, and aurthorised
I am always looking at holidays, been looking today and found a great bargain for June in Ibiza, I was all excited telling my partner and there was no response.....I get silly as we have already been away at Easter and going again in August... I am so tempted to say I might go with my friend but I know he will be hurt as he enjoys holidays as much as I do.

I love my holidays too - and I had one in March, and just before I went I booked the June holiday - I have nothing else booked for the rest of the year yet although I have booked various time off - I may have a long weekend in Barcelona, I fancy that.

Actually he also pointed out that he too likes holidays just not as much as me!!! Fair play! I know I'm the obsessive and it's soooooooooooooooo good to see from this forum I AM NOT ALONE!!!!

Although we go next week as like so many of you I am already looking at a September jaunt - and I love the planning anticipation and looking for holidays almost as much as the experience of holiday - ok well maybe not as much!!

I know I'm the obsessive and it's soooooooooooooooo good to see from this forum I AM NOT ALONE!!!!
That's why we're all members on here

I wouldnt say I am obsessed with holidays, but when we are thinking about somewhere to go, it is me that does all the research, planning, booking etc..unless it is a dive liveaboard..which Rob sorts with one phone call to Regaldive (then I have to do everything else!).
I am always on the look out to spot a bargain, even if it is just a weekend away.
Before we booked the NZ trip, I spent weeks researching it..and have spent weeks since we booked it researching even more.
Regretably, this will be the only proper holiday we get this year...but it hasn't stopped me looking "just in case" I spot summats for a cheapy week away somewhere.

The world is a big place and I would like to see as much of it as possible. I can see my carpet any day of the week!

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