hello all,been trying to find holiday truths for weeks now thought it was my new laptop gone awol.Nice to catch up on all the gossip sadly we wont be coming to goa this year but all being well next year looks good. Such alot of new comers entered the site which is great much more input better reading(not that us oldies are boring not saying that) i remember my first time on this site asking all the same questions which has led me to going to goa 5 times now.
I thought I had pmd you sleep r us?
Hi Chilly, call the search off still here, hope things are well with you, there are quite a few people out here, Cactus restaurant still fairly busy will keep you posted,
You are so lucky, i've just opened my last bottle of Honey Bee, still i'm consoling myself that it is now the 7th month which means its 5 months and me and Steve will be there, if you have room secreat me a bottle in your luggage, Steve says he'll drive anywhere to pick up a bottle
i'd be very appreciative Lin if you were able to oblige me
see you soon and enjoy yourself.
Oh it is good to see the forum getting busier again and lots of the regulars coming back in again.
yes- it is certainly picking up again!
Means you are going to be very very busy again Fiona Will give you plenty to do on all the horrible soggy, rainy, snowy, cold, icy winter nights
...and early mornings( when I get up half an hour before I need to) and lunch hours, and weekends..........
Dont Fiona its too much for me.
ha ha
hello I am here
Hi Vegasone Nice to see you back. We also fly out in November, but for two weeks, staying at the Phoenix Park then again at the beginning of Feb. Maybe see you at one of the meets.
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