If youve payed for a premium seat and then loads of people trek through from behind the curtain to use your loo because theres no queue.
The way i see it Ive paid for better seats better service and facilities. It does annoy me when our toilet resembles a pub loo by the end of the flight.
You have paid for "better" seating and that is all. I must confess I am always puzzled at the constant queue for the toilets. Often the same people over and over again. Is it nerves, over indulged in the bar before take off or just the need to go for a walk, and the toilet is just a convenient excuse?
Got to agree with you on that one. Thought it was just me

They cannot all have weak bladders. Can they?
If like me you have to take water tablets then YES you can have a weak blader!

or just the need to go for a walk, and the toilet is just a convenient excuse?
Frank everyones going in there to let out their wind after being strapped in the same position for hours on end .

OOH what a horrible thought Lynn!!
Frank everyones going in there to let out their wind after being strapped in the same position for hours on end
So you have seen me then

I must admit when I've paid (Company) an extra £3000 for a business class flight across to the USA its nice not having people queing next to you while your trying to work or get some sleep on the return trip.
fwh wrote:You have paid for "better" seating and that is all. I must confess I am always puzzled at the constant queue for the toilets. Often the same people over and over again. Is it nerves, over indulged in the bar before take off or just the need to go for a walk, and the toilet is just a convenient excuse?
They cannot all have weak bladders. Can they?
I often think that too - in the space of a few hours, they troop back and forward, back and forward, and it's always the same ones! I just stay there, sitting in my seat and watching them parading to and fro - unless one of them happens to be sat next to me, then it drives me absolutely barmy!

I can't understand the queues and rush for the loo either. The minute the seat belt sign goes off you alwasy get loads of people diving out of their seats to join the queue and as you say it is alwasy the same ones who keep going back and forth the whole time.
I only go to the loo if I have to as I don't really like plane toilets but then with two children I still end up making a few trips

Having recently been on a Monarch flight from Goa in the premium cabin, it can work the other way. There was only the one toilet in premium and that was on the left hand side. As were were sat on the right hand side, we were not allowed to go through the galley to get to the toilet. When people tried, they were told to go into the economy section and queue there. The result was that there was a long queue from both sides of the curtains.
Working in the Gastroenterology Department of a large hospital I would never consider anybody rude who used the most 'available' toilet. When you see day in day out the number of people who have serious bowel problems (Crohn's, colitis, coeliac disease, IBS) you just consider yourself lucky not to have these problems.
While the premium toilet isn't exclusively for premium passengers, those sat in the rear cabins shouldnt be coming through the premium cabin to use it. One of the perks of the premium cabin is it's peace and quiet and not having a constant stream of people walking up and down. Cabin crew would normally mention it to passengers who they see that shouldn't be using it.
Working in the Gastroenterology Department of a large hospital I would never consider anybody rude who used the most 'available' toilet. When you see day in day out the number of people who have serious bowel problems (Crohn's, colitis, coeliac disease, IBS) you just consider yourself lucky not to have these problems.
Well said

I can't image anyone wanting to use an aircraft toilet unless they had to, and the problem is the amount of people in an aluminium tube with all sorts of problems, and the lack of facilities.
Is it wrong to get annoyed
What are the three words most used these days.?"¦"¦..Diversity, Equality and Tolerance.

Edit for typo error
Edited by
2010-02-07 18:37:48
So you've never been stuck on a flight with someone who feels the need to get up and down like a yo-yo, not just to traipse back and forward to the loo all the time (not caused by any medical condition, but by the amount of booze they insist on chucking down their throat!) but to chat to folk further down the plane? Well, I have and whatever tolerance I may have had when I boarded the flight quickly evaporated under those circumstances!
It didn't annoy me, it just made me feel more claustrophobic having people stood next to me queuing for the loo.
But, I'd rather have people getting up for the loo than experiencing the disgusting and filthy habit of parting with toxic flatulence by grown men in the row in front, who thought it was funny....cretins.!
Now that is where I had no tolerance.
I have to confess, I have been one of those people that has stood up and gone for a wander just for the sake of it because on a flight to Egypt with Astreus (with no entertainment either) flying cattle class for 5 and half hours on the tiniest plane I have ever seen outside of Toytown..most people stood in the aisles on and off when the signs were off. There is just no way I could have stayed in my seat that entire time. I am not very tall and usually cope quite well with not alot of leg room etc but even I cannot stay seated for an entire flight ( I think boredom creeps in too)
I do try and have respect for whomever is sat with me on a flight and if I had to be up and down I would only do it when totally necessary so as to cause the minimum disruption to them..but generally, I am sat with Rob and/or the kids...and when the kids were younger I constantly had to keep them amused! I find it more annoying when people take what little room you do have by tilting thier seats back!
I have every sympathy for the surprising (because they don't talk it) amount of people with bladder issues .Due to nerve damage in his lower back my yongest son has had ongoing bladder issues since a toddler. He is unable to empy his bladder properly and can only ever get out a small amount at a time . You can easily get the picture here that needless to say his bladder is always full and the bit that he manages to get rid up tops up again very quickly . Now what happens on a flight is that at 13 he get's embarrassed by his need to visit the toilet frequently and thinks everybody cares or notices about what he is up to and so thinks he will try and hold it . The bladder gets stressed and he will get leakage . Not pleasant when you have been sitting on the plane for 5 hours and then endure a long wait in passport queues in the soaring temps of Turkey and Egypt so I will leave the rest to your imagination.
I would hate for him to be right in his fears that people are counting the times he has to relieve himself so please do not think that all those who have to get up more than normal are doing it to annoy people . whilst I would never go behind a curtain to use a premium loo if my son needed the toilet desperately and there was a long queue at the normal toilet I would have no hestitation of sending him to that one. Due to his issues our Holiday travel is always stressful enough .
Of course whilst we are talking about those with personal needs, we are ignoring those who exacerbate the problem. The numbers who feel it is fine to spend their time walking up and down and chatting with their mates! I have seen seats occupied during take off, landing and meals times. At all other times the so called occupants are busy blocking the isles for any who do actually need to pay a call of nature.
fwh wrote:Of course whilst we are talking about those with personal needs, we are ignoring those who exacerbate the problem. The numbers who feel it is fine to spend their time walking up and down and chatting with their mates! I have seen seats occupied during take off, landing and meals times. At all other times the so called occupants are busy blocking the isles for any who do actually need to pay a call of nature.
And those are exactly the kind of passengers my comments were aimed at - not those with genuine medical needs!
I was really annoyed on a recent flight when I was travelling alone. I was in an aisle seat near the front but it was not so much people going to the loos that annoyed me. There was what appeared to be a large party of middle aged to pensioner women, most of whom were not in the front section of the plane, but it appeared the leaders were opposite me annd I was totally annoyed with numerous others of their party coming up to talk to those opposite and bending over with there backsides in my face. Needless to say I opened my newspaper wide so that my elbows went out and made contact. Just wish I had the resolve to speak up too!

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