Me and Lukey never see eye to eye on this. But Lukey unfortunetly probably doesn't know the residents of the island like I do. San An and its very serious and ongoing drug and drink abuse problems and the severe street voilence problems have unfortunetly seriously damanged the islands repuation, seriously damaging the tourism industry on Ibiza as a whole, hence the down turn in tourist numbers since Sky's Ibiza Uncovered came out - many people that I know that worked in San An moved over to Es Cana and Santa Eulalia when they relised what its like. I am sure that you can have a decent time in San An though if its your sort of thing, there are some good resturants here and the Sunset strip which of course includes the excellent Cafe Del Mar and Cafe Mambo is well worth it but as a whole I wouldn't recommend it. Also Lukey mentions Bar M, yes that is a decent bar actually, one I have been to many times however there are dozens like it in Ibiza Town. Also the beach in San An is rubbish to say the least!
I have to disagree with Lukey again about Ibiza Town, several major clubbing publications agree with me, Ibiza Town is the place to be on a night, it is home to the all night markets, the Manumission parades, home of Pacha, El Divino nightclubs instead of the chavy Eden and Es Paradis (home of DJ SAMMY! to give you an idea

). Nope sorry San An is a shadow of the rest of the island.
Trust me, Ibiza Town clubbing / gastronomic / shopping centre of the island, Es Cana, family centre of the island while been a good night out, Santa Eulalia, outstanding for couples and people that want to chill out, - San An, punchy British town centre.
Of course there will be people that fall on the side of Lukey here and people that fall on mine. But what we should all keep in mind throughout this debate is - that I am right and anybody that differs is wrong!