Just received new flight times from Expedia.
On the way home my flight leaves Las Vegas at 11.30 and arrives at Philidelphia at 19.09 (thats fine)
My connecting flight leaves at 20.10 to Glasgow.
Will I be able to catch the flight? What happens if the flight from Las Vegas to Philly is late?
I'm now starting to panic. I phoned Expedia and they said it is the responsibility of the airline if I miss it. They said they would not have the flights so close if it was not possible.
By the time you disembarked, clear passport control, collect your luggage, you have to get back into check-in, clear security and back to the gate.
Check-in normally closes 45 mins before departure, so that gives you 15 mins to clear your original flight and negotiate the airport.
It would be possible if the airline allow you to check-in less than -45 STD, but i somewhat doubt that.
Take a pair of trainers!!
Good luck

You don't need to clear passport control or get your bags if it is a through booking. If the booking computers are allowing it, then the airline should allow it but it does sound tight. Have you phoned the airline themselves? Expedia is right - if you are booked all the way through on one ticket, it is the airline's responsibility to gt you home - but best to avoid too much hassle!!
won't have to clear passport control as you are a through passanger or collect your luggage as it will be taken straight to your new aircraft.
Assuming your flight arrives on time (most internal flights usually do) I think you will make it quite easily, as all you will be doing is going straight to the next departure gate (no check in required) when you arrive at Philidelphia.
As Diamond Olly has said you Assuming your flight arrives on time (most internal flights usually do) I think you will make it quite easily, as all you will be doing is going straight to the next departure gate (no check in required) when you arrive at Philidelphia.
It is quite tight but do check because if you are not using the same airline for your internal flights as the transatlantic ones you will have to go and claim baggage and go through security checks. I would ring expedia and ask them.
It is quite tight but do check because if you are not using the same airline for your internal flights as the transatlantic ones you will have to go and claim baggage and go through security checks.
Not true actually - you can either on-line (same airline to same airline) or INTERLINE (using 2 different carriers) transfer on most routes
e.g. BA CDG-LGW and VIRGIN LGW-LAX you could check your bags in at Paris, they are transferred (via an airside security point) at Gatwick and loaded straght on to the Virgin flight, and you just wander to the "passengers transferring" desk at Gatwick where you get your boarding card for the next flight without having to go through all the rigmarole of clearing security, checking in ,etc.
The same should apply for you in Philly. Every Airport has their own individual MCT (minimum connecting time) published for general routes (e.g. domestic to international, on line or interline), plus a few specific oddities usually where there are high security flights involved (eg to Baghdad!) or a specially long way between certain aircraft gates.
It will be the delivering airlines responsibility to ensure you make your connection at Philly as long as both flights are booked on the one reservation. If your arriving flight is late, they will have to re-route or reschedule you as appropriate and provide food/hotel accom as suits the circumstance.
MCT for some routes can be as low as 35minutes (I have a booked 40 minute connection in the Caribbean later this year) - I have certainly squeaked a few transfers through late arriving inbound flights in the past - but it's quite nice being met by a minibus at the aircraft steps and whizzed across the tarmac to a waiting plane - makes you feel like royalty!! I was actually on the ground for a whole 8 minutes in Amsterdam once!!!

Double check with your airline(s) - and/or ask a decent local travel agent to check the Philly MCT's - and if your Vegas/Philly flight does leave VEGAS a bit late, then make sure that you make the cabin crew aware of your transfer as soon as you can, as they can call ahead and make sure everyone is expecting you! You should certainly expect your bags to be labelled with both sets of flight details in Vegas, and you may possibly also get a boarding card for your 2nd flight when you check in there.
Well I did think that was the case but I asked my boss and he seemed to recall having to collect luggage and check it in again for second leg of flight in the past, although not by going back to departures. Maybe he was just remembering wrong.
Only connected once at Brussels and we needed to check in again, but luggage was checked through.
Best airline I've been on for connecting flights is Emirates. As you apporach Dubai the screens show the departure screens for the airport so you know exactly which gate you need for your next flight before disembarking.
As everyone has basically said don't worry too much. If you get delayed at your first airport and know you are going to miss your connection then ask them their about rerouting. We did this at Memphis when a storm blew up out of nowhere and closed the airport. We knew we would miss our connection in Chicago so we went to the Gate desk and the clerk rerouted us back via Atlanta to Gatwick. If you are delayed please at your first airport don't get on the plane and hope for the best, try to organise things before you leave. Good luck. I'm sure it will be fine
If you are flying from Vegas to Philly with US Air for the onward to GLA I would just cooly ask the cabin crew on the flight to Philly to arrange for you to be met on arrival and "whisked"to the departure gate. My main concern would not be about getting on the flight - it would be if my bags come with me! Somehow i just cant see baggage transfer taking place if both flights are on schedule. Let us know how you get on.
But US Air (and maybe others) build in extra time to their schedules to meet their 'on time' statistics. As we even took off late but still arrived early. Also, I wasn't worried as I knew if we missed our flights, US Air would transfer us to the next one (even if it meant an overnight stay courtesy of US Air).

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