Isn't it amazing how different reviews can be about one hotel.Just read 2 new reviews about the hotel that we went to 1st 2 weeks in august.The
new reviews were really really bad but all the rest were fab.I myself was shocked to be called a chav!!!...i dont even have a tattoo.I found the hotel lovely and the food was the best i have had for the star rating and all the other guests were certainly not chavs..whatever that really means...some people are really small minded...oh well...we are all entitled to an opinion i suppose....nicole
that's the thing with a review site like ours, if 50 members were to write a review of the same hotel you would have 50 different opinions, so you need to assimilate what is said and read between the lines, a common example would be " dose not cater for the British" usually means no chips no roast no full English.. so its up to you how you or what you read into them

I read the review you are talking about earlier today (the three line one!) and I laughed my socks off. Admittedly I haven't stayed at the hotel, but I stayed at the one next door this year, and yours looked nice to me.
I don't know what people expect, at the end of the day it's a package holiday to Turkey for goodness sake. Surely they don't expect to be rubbing shoulders with Charles and Camilla or Johny Depp and his Mrs. If they are that fussy perhaps they should buy themselves an Island or at the very least hire themselves a private villa. (Or stay at home).

I read the reviews you are talikng about and actually they all seem to be saying pretty much the same thing. Nicole - your review isn't that different to rob or bevs, you just obviously liked the hotel and they didin't
I knew from reading your review that I personally would hate it there, and the 2 new reviews just confirmed that!
it is amazing how reviews differ from different people.. but equally amazing is how intolerant some people are of others opinions if they differ from theirs... i wrote a review about a hotel in Lanza that we stayed at with the kids and slated the place.. as did many other reviews.. but then someone came along and wrote a review praising the place ( which is fine, that is their right) but then proceeded to spend the rest of the post slagging us off saying that we were obviously drunk the whole time, which was why we all got ill and it was obvious no one was bothered about keeping an eye on the kids which was why they were running riot and so on and so actual fact, there was an outbreak of food poisoning, there was a tropical storm and someone's kid slipped on a wet floor and broke their arm and we were not drunk the whole time ( the beer was so bad Rob could not drink it and that is really saying something!)
It just go's to show that we shouldn't read to much into reviews...just take them all as a whole...nicole
Saying "I hated the food" tells me absolutely nothing. Saying "the food was usually burgers and chips but was well cooked" tells me much more.
the secret to reading reviews is to remember that everyone likes different things, unless you know someone well enough to know if you like the same things is doesn't matter if they loved the place or hated it, what matters how well they describe a hotel or resort so you can decide if you will like it.
i have seen vastly contrasting reviews on a hotel in lloret de mar, the "good" reviews all coming from young clubbers and the "bad"reviews coming from older couples and families.depending on what category you fit into will help you decide on whether this hotel is suitable for you.
we should all respect others views on hotel/resort reports and also when asking for guidance to good bars/restaurants etc. a good bar for club 18-30 may not suit grannies or maiden aunts(though grandad may not mind:).
read everything twice, then make up your own mind.
1 Do not post derogatory comments on other holiday makers.
(Surely saying everyone is a Chav, is now considered a derogatory comment.)
2 Don't make comments on the content of previous reviews.
I thought you were supposed to write a brief paragraph on Cleanliness, location, staff, food and entertainment. Plus any xtra bits of info that might help people trying to decide to visit.
The hotel reviews don't seem to be monitored in the same way that the discussion forums are. Some people just use them to have a moan about a bad holiday.

Which hotel are we talking about?
Hi, I think Zebedee hit the nail on the head when he said that facts should be stated and not opinions as everyon'e idea of a fab holiday differs.

Club Sun City, Olu Deniz.
Thanks Doe (you don't read all that waffle in there, do you?!)
However I have had holidays spoilt - not by the hotel so much itself but by 'some' of the holidaymakers who were staying there. If you're lucky enough to have a good group of fellow holidaymakers staying in your hotel it can make all the difference as opposed to the not so nice types.
I love the rambling thread, you can all ramble for as long as you want as far as I am concerned. It's better than TV. I have an image of you all partying in the Conrad and the Hilton together, eating marmite, snorkelling and looking for tommy the turtle

I agree Glynis, in a way I can see why you wouldn't want to edit them too much, because it does give a feel for a place. It can be quite amusing when you read them. The idea that the reviewer felt it should be renamed Club Chav City really tickled me.


I would be quite horrified if people thought we were "chavs" and my teenage sons would be mortified. I see ourselves as normal decent people. but then maybe people hear our Essex accents and assume we are all "chavs.
What is a chav supposed to look like anyway? and how do they act.?
a chav to me is someone with a baseball cap and tracksuite that goes round thinking he is cool and hard. seen them in benni even when the weather was 100 they were still going round like that they should re name them pratts with atittude

ive just asked my 13 year old son and this is his version in his own words.
A boy/girl with a full on latest designer fake tracksuit and open at the top with a masive fake chain and loads of fake bling and rings on every finger.
blimey i never saw anybody like that at the sun city.
and usually says "am i boveerrred"

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