Hi All,
We are after some advice about getting from Sabiha Bokcen airport by public transport into the city - does anyone have any info on this please?
We can get our hotel to arrange the transfer, but quite enjoy the fun of finding our own way around, and the bonus is that it will be a lot cheaper!
To whet your appetite for different choices than a taxi, see the generally reliable
Also, see
(incl IETT timetable) http://www.sgairport.com/havaalani/eng/ulasim.asp
It's a great city to explore; have fun

I have seen some of the options available by googling it, just wondering what other people's personal experiences have been. Have you used any of these specifically that you would recommend?
Thanks again!
i used a shuttle bus 10 euros each was good i think he was in practice for the f1 grand prix
hadn't had that option, then I would have happily investigated the public bus services (IETT). Once in Istanbul, the only transport I used was my feet, and the public ferry all the way up the Bosphorus to the Black Sea and back (with goodness knows what fresh and delicious fish for lunch straight out of the Black Sea,mmm!). Enjoy your trip (when you going?)
Got a free transfer via our little hotel, so didn't see the point in exploring the public transport options, Alfie! If I
Love the sound of your trip up the Bosphorus Phoebe - do you remember how long it took? We are going beginning of October we will also be walking our feet off, we always do on a city break, its the best way to see everything! Just hope it doesn't rain the whole time, like it did for our friends last October!
the tram is great and if you like western shopping then taxim is great its the turkish regents street but it has a free tram running up and down
Check the times, as I visited about three years ago. I think we got back to Eminonu at 4.30 pm. price was maybe 17 lira return, but may be more now.
Thanks for the info Phoebe, sounds like something we will definitely want to do. We'll have to check out the timings, they are probably different in October. Should be a great day when we are fed up being in a city! The fish lunch also sounds great.

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