I'm sure many of us suffer after long haul flights, I have a really bad time of it on my return home. Sadly I still haven't found anything that seems to help. I know a while ago lot's of people said Melatonin was a godsend but after reading of possible side affects I never tried it.
As anyone got any tips to help me?
Thanks lassi
In the past I normally only suffered Jet Lag when flying east not coming home, but on my last trip to Australia I was absolutely shattered for days after returning . I'ts just a case of grin and bear it. I have read that you should put yourself on to the time zone of the area that you are travelling to as soon as you start to travel, not drink alcohol etc , but have tried this in the past and nothing worked until I started taking Melatonin.
melatonin is a good thing to help you my 7 year old son has to take it every night to get to sleep and he has no side effects what so ever.
I suffer horrendous jetlag coming back from the States and take 10-14 days to recover. I have sometimes actually felt ill as well as exhausted.
I've tried everything too. I change my watch to the new time zone as soon as I get on the plane. I've tried sleeping as much as possible, not sleeping and trying to stay up. No alcohol. Every time I come home and swear I'm not going to do it again as I feel so bad, but after a couple of weeks when I'm feeling OK again I'm off pricing up flights to go back.
I bought melatonin a couple of years ago in the US. They had 2 strengths - 1mg and 3mg. I bought the 1mg incase the higher dose knocked me for 6. However it hasn't had any effect at all, but then I have only taken 2 x 1mg tablets.

I take the 3mg tablet. I sympathise with you, on return on my last trip to Oz I felt so bad it really spoiled the holiday. I felt really ill, most unusual as I usually don't normally get jet lagged flying west.
My husband tried taking it when we flew to Singapore and it didn't work with him. He drove me mad roaming around the hotel room in the middle of the night and dragging himself around the sites during the day.
You may find this site useful http://www.sltbr.org/melfaq.htm#m5 I always start taking the capsules the day before travelling, it may make me a bit drowsy but I think it helps get my bodyclock into the new time zone quicker.
It doesn't work on everyone but it has helped me on quite a few trips over the last few years.
Thanks Judith. How often do you take them?
We flew from Glasgow to Japan and back after 3 weeks there. We were amazed that none of us felt jetlagged. We have no idea why and have no idea now what jetlag is like.
I take two the day before I travel, then the day of travel, then for about four days after arrival. The day before travel and the actual day of travel I take two at the what would be 7pm at my destination, then the next four days two about half an a hour before bedtime.
They obviously affect people differently and I would advise you to get some advice at a pharmacy next time you are in the USA.
Hope they work. I am going to the USA next spring so I will be buying some more over there.
This may sound strange but I worked night duty for many years and never ever got jet lag.The furthest east I travelled was Singapore and furthest west was the Pacific coast of Mexico.I used to go to work on my first night after staying up all day,then stay up all day after my last shift.I sometimes felt like a zombie which is probably how jet lag feels.

I make matters worse, I drive 60 miles rounf trip to work and driving back in the dark is bad enough under normal circumstances without feeling tired as well.
The first time we came back from Florida I thought jetlag was a myth as I didn't suffer at all. Came home at 10.30pm and into work at 8.30am next day. Took a day off before going back to work the next time and I was like a zombie. Came back on the Monday night and someone at work actually said to me on the Friday, "You're actually here today" as I was so spaced out. Managed to do my job, but in automatic pilot. Couldn't have told you what I'd just done 5 mins previously as nothing was sinking in.
I actually had jetlag going east to west last time and was exhausted every night for the first week.
Guess I'd better get to bed soon as we have to be up at 3am to drive to the airport. I really hope I sleep for most of the flight.

A few years ago we holidayed in the Dom rep and apart from being tired the day after return we didn't experience jet lag. Strange, considering the flight was only an hour shorter than the Mexico one.
Still awake and don't feel too bad at the moment although I've had a couple of woozy moments. Hope I get up at a reasonable time in the morning instead of sleeping half the day and knocking myself all wrong.

Hope you had a good time Luci. Always makes the jet lag worth it
I force myself to stay awake as long as possible on return to the UK. You want to sleep at 3pm but read a book, watch telly or I find surfing the net keeps me awake. Try and delay bedtime as long as possible. Do that for a few days and you will soon get back to normal.
I think Jet Lag affects people differently. I normally only get it going East but as I mentioned in an earlier post I had a real bad attack of it when I returned from OZ a couple of years ago. I put myself on UK time immediately I got back, didn't sleep during the day, kept busy etc. but it took me the best part of two weeks to get back to normal and I felt absolutely terrible the whole time, if I hadn't had such a fantastic holiday I think I would have cried off going on a long haul holiday ever again. I'm going to New York in the spring and Laos next winter I'm hoping I don't get it too badly then.
A few years ago I got a load of Melatonin on a visit to the U.S. A. and hoped it would help, but it did'nt seem to make a difference
Two years ago we had to make a sudden return home from Oz when my wifes mother died, we were in an isolated spot in the far north of N.S.W. when we got the news so the journey home took 38hrs in total and the jet lag was corispondingly terrible. Alan
Well I felt OK Friday and yesterday and thought I was going to be lucky this time, but don't feel so good today. Woke at 2am for a couple of hours despite sleeping through Friday night OK and thinking of heading back to bed.
The only time i've suffered from jet-lag is coming back from Florida. I didn't sleep on the plane and fell asleep at 1:30pm and slept for 24 hours. I was completely fine after that

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