Hi guys,
Just got back today from 5 nights in benidorm so i thought id give you all the lowdown!
The sun over the last week has been cracking the flags although it can be foggy in the morning first thing, and a bit chilly at night so take a wrap or a cardy!
ive not been back to benidorm for 4 years since me and me partner worked over there but its still just as great as ever with loads to do and see. We flew from liverpool with ryanair and had no problems although we were charged excess baggage as everyone seemed to be doing. On arrival at Alicante low and behold my case came off last vibrating away......and no ladys it wasnt from what you think it was my electric razor in the case!
We booked our transfers with Resorthoppa.com and found them too be good although they did pull off the toll road at villajoyosa and drov eon the backstreets through to calafinestrat, which was a bit of a trek but we soon got to the pueblo in the levante part of town.
Before we left we mailed the room company and the hotel asking not to be put in the annex but guess what with the rest of the brits we made our way to block 4 annex, which to be honest with you wasnt too bad. The room was very small which shocked me a bit but clean and safe enough and we had 2 single beds. The balcony had a lovely view of the pool and there was even a telly in the room with sky sports news which suited me well! i will say the walls are paper thin and we could even hear next door use the toilet which was interesting. Add to that if you stay in this hotel be careful of the shower it changes temprature from boiling to freezing as you use it! normally when your cleaning delicate bits.
As for the hotels services we never made brekky and the maid used to come at 9 in the morning and if you were in not return! The reception of the hotel were helpful but not very understanding of english lol! The exchange rate in the hotel is terrible and if you come out of the hotel the eurochange is 2 mins away! The night porter is also very narky if you walk through reception with shoes at night or without shoes!
tahats all for now but ill tell more tomorrow!
Thanks for the report, but what hotel were you in?
They were in the Pueblo.
Thanks Jay Trip, I missed that.
right so thats the hotel partly done, reading that back it sounds like the hotel wasnt that good but its fine. Basic, but in a fantastic location.
Now as i said earlier i havent returned for a few years since i worked here and the main differences that i noticed is the amount of graffiti around, more spanish working and on holiday and hardly any reps around! But dont let any of that put you off, Benidorm is still as great as it always has been.
Many bars are currently closed for refurbishment or holidays but theres still loads to do day and night. The black chicken is a must during the day to see some of the karaoke singers and sights of benidorm, and if you get the chance go see kevin holt the concert chairman absolutley hilarious. Being a young couple the western saloon didnt appeal but theres entertainment there all day long and plenty of other places as well. As the sun was shining we spent most of our time just strolling and trying to keep the missus out of the shops.
Mundomar is currently closed till mid feb and we were told to avoid terra natura as the animals may be away, where i dont know but i suppose they need holidays aswell.
Food wise theres always been plenty of places to eat in benidorm so we stuck to our favourites, chille grande ( a mexican on the so called spanish strip), Tony romas, Cafe Nawab, Queens and Hogwarts which in my opinion is the best restaurant in benidorm and the staff are great. During the day for snacks you cant go wrong in benidorm but avoid the wooky hollow triple breakfast.......nothing wrong with it but just too large! a full can of beans, 6 rounds of toast and a full pig!
We lived for the nights as you do and tried loads of entertainment everywere. At the moment some bars are packed and some are empty but the ones to go to are:
Morgans Tavern ( Neptunes on the benidorm prog with johnny vegas ), very busy and some great entertainment.
oh and rockerfellas although the drink prices are a bit more expensive in here!
The turns we saw ( its a wigan word for acts ) where all good as usual and the best we saw where Mr Mowtown, a young lad in Sandras thats been on stars in their eyes, a cracking soul singer that i think his name was something curtis in morgans, and of course the take that tribute........dont ask!
You cant miss Neil st john the voice of benidorm, i forgot how good he was and he really puts everything into his act. Add to that his missus is even more better looking than she was on the telly. He also spoke about the quest programme that channel 4 is recording him doing over the summer which sounds like great viewing.
One more act you also cant miss is the Drag queen Miss levi and sandras was as packed as ever when he/she was on although you can go up to queens and watch a longer show with him on a monday night.
Now the ones to avoid.............Tony Scott the comedian, ive watched him 3 or 4 times now and hes still never got any laughs, and Mathew and son, absolute bobbins. To say theyve been doing it for years theyve got no stage presence or banter though they can sort of hold a song......and this is coming from a former entertainer. Add to this the father thinks that hes bigger than benidorm now and will be moving on to bigger thinks this year.
Of course all the bars as in rockys, loch ness etc are dead at this time of year.
And now for the contreversial bit......Crime in benidorm. A lot of people were mentioning it and you do feel on guard at night although i do think that you should be like that anyway. Make sure you get a safety deposit box and dont walk around with your valuables. The 3rd night we were there we were walking as a couple from rockys around the corner to loch ness approx 25 metres if that and we were nearly pickpocketed by a spanish/morrocan looking fella and we werent even that drunk. So people know what happens they dont bump into you or try to do what they would over here, they come over to the fellas as if they are being friendly then they speak to you in broken spanish and try to get you to talk football, put there arm around you and try to pretend they are tackling you, whilst they are doing this their hand is in your pocket and they are talking your wallet. Because they are jumping up and down with you, you dont feel it. I knew about this because 6 years ago i got pickpocketed like this in benidorm when i was drunk. It didnt happen this time! I wated for him to go for my pocket then grabbed his hand and lets just say you shouldnt mess with the big dog. He wont be doing it for a while and his mate soon shot off, although i wouldnt recomend this. Guess what though hardly any police at night but loads during the day when not really needed.
Well thats about it. All i can say is Benidorms as good as ever and if i could move there tomorow i would.
If you want to know any more just drop us a bell!
Hasta Luego.
Latics on tour.
laticsontour wrote:Ok, now weve established the mods only scan and dont read! only kidding!
Ah ha, but I'm allowed to just scan this forum as I don't mod it!

Thanks for the additional information. We too found RockerFellas to be the most expensive place for drinks, but they often had some good acts on that we wanted to see. What I didn't like was the waiter persistently asking if we would like another drink when we were only half way down the one we had, and we weren't sitting there nursing them either.
After reading about the crime and pickpocketting on here I insisted that hubby didn't take his wallet at night and just had the notes in his front pocket. However we were lucky enough not to notice any crime.

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