We found it to be much hotter this year (especially the first week) and so didn't go by the pool much.
We went to see quite a few shows this year,more than we usually do, and enjoyed them all. We saw:
Legends at the IP ....decided to book this at the half price ticket booth and enjoyed it. Took a few photos of the "celebs" afterwards.
Thunder from Down Under at the Excalibur. Of course I didn't take my husband to that but met up with a girlfriend and we went. All I can say is that those guys were HOT!!!
David Copperfield at the MGM.....Saw him a few years ago and decided we'd go again this time. Husband booked tickets online and thought we had really good seats....they would have been if it wasn't a magician we were going to see. We were right at the front of the stage and could actually rest our elbows on the stage so we were a bit too close to get the full effect of some of the illusions. Very good otherwise.
Cher at CP......ok NOT impressed with this as it was cancelled. We had good seats booked for that too.
Barry Manilow at the Hilton........I went solo as husband didn't want to see him again. I had a front row seat and enjoyed every minute of the show.Third time I've seen his show now and still can't enough (I know sad LOL)....
Jersey Boys at the Palazzo.....Excellent show and one to definitely see again. Husband said it's the best show he's ever seen.....that means it must be good!!
and finally....Ray Romano and Kevin James at the Mirage. They were hysterical and so glad I booked them. Unfortunately we didn't know they were on until we got there so only available seats were the back row. Didn't matter still very good.
We're not into "posh" restauants so most of our eating was done in the hotel cafes which suited us just fine.
We didn't appear to do as much shopping this year (saying that my suitcases still weighed 58kg's coming home??). I did buy some Christmas presents though and I got myself a gorgeous Coach bag that should have been $450 and I paid $80 for it so very happy with that purchase.
Husband is not a gambler but I love the slots and did quite well the first week winning $400 and $200 a couple of times (that's a lot for me as I only play the 2 cent machines). Needless to say I spent everything I took with me but that's what I saved up all year for. Played VP sometimes and won a little on that.
Just sorry now that my Vegas trip is over again.

Now I'd better start saving for the next one