Folks going there in May looking to book flights, from were i am fliights to Kattowice very easy 5 miles away airport but how long from Kattowice to Kracow?
Can arrange flying into Kracow as Mancheter do this, but Doncaster (were i am) fly to Kattowice.......
Just wodered how far airports are Katt and Krac to Kracow centre (in cab)
If you're flying to Katowice then I'm guessing you're flying with WizzAir. If that's the case then WizzAir provide a low cost shuttle bus from Katowice to Krakow. I think it only costs about £ 8.00 and can be pre booked on their website.
Sky Europe also have a shuttle bus from Katowice to Krakow airport. I think it's about 20 zlotys, but don't quote me on thyat
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