Hi Pippanda,
I have to say that that particular website is nothing to do with me and i only reccomend it has i got a lot of information off it.
In my view its slightly exagarrated when they compare kavolam to blackpool and i take the view that the people saying this are probably people who remember that particular resort say about twenty years ago and we found it a very relaxing place and really chilled out as there is hardly any entertainment on offer and basically kavolam consists of is a line of restuarants and hotels, believe me if it was like blackpool then one visit would have been egnouth <nothing against blackpool every one to thier own> also just remembering the busy part is actually lighthouse beach but when i say busy its not noisy or brassy at all.
Kavalom beach is the next two beaches up as you have hawa beach with two restuarants on it.
The actual kavalom beach has two medium size hotels and then a fair stretch of sand to the next hotel as the hotel right in the corner is the best for swimming and had no problems swimming wise in that spot as it is quite strong waves on the other beaches i went on.
Varkala beach was nice but a trek down from the cliffs and obviously a trek up but please bear in mind we was only there after finishing one of the trips and i reckon there was a better way to get down to the beach, at the top of the cliffs there was plenty of restuarants & few shops but as i say i was only there for a couple of hours also whilst we were there we had lunch in one of the hotels in which in which looked very impressive with lovely views and gardens but unfortunately the name escapes me.
If you need to know anymore please get in touch has i would say kerala is a lot quieter than most parts of goa and often it is said this was the goa of so many years ago.
If your looking for a complete chill out and the best food i have ever tasted < i work at a college of food> then this is the place.