A family friend of ours who is male, is a size 6XXXXXXL, and buys his clothes from a reputable seller from ebay (The Kings club selection). May be worth your while having a look on there. Good Luck. BBB.
Hi BBB ... the enquiry is about shopping in Benidorm. Are those stores in Benidorm ?
I obviously don't know you or what type of clothes that you prefer.
In benidorm, you can go from the mass produced cr@p to designer gear.
The "Asian" shops have some very reasonable if not ridiculously low priced articles of clothing....they stock large sizes in tops, but even I as a size 14 on the bottom half, would find difficulty in getting a pair of jeans purchased from these shops up passed my @rse...they are made for stick insects, they must think we European pear shaped ladies are built like straight sticks....ok if you are about 8 to 16 years old.
There are 2 shops that I think would suit you, they stock really nice clothing and are middle of the range in price tags.....
MODA which means fashion in Spanish, they have one shop on the Avda Mediterraneo and another on situated on the promenade nearly in the old town.....sorry I can't give you the exact location...me and street names or names of shops don't seem to register in my grey matter.
Remembered, the MODA shop on the Avda Mediterraneo is just passed the cafe vina del mar, on the corner before you turn right on the "alleyway" up by the side of the hotel Ruidor/talk of the coast club.
Now I know for definate that they stock clothing for the larger lady, I've been in and seen them.
On the way up to the old town via the Avda Mediterraneo, there are other shops...one is a few doors just passed the Hotel Belroy that has some nice stuff inside, I think they call it H &M or something similar....My friend worked in there about 18 months ago, inbetween music contracts.
There are other shops, but I cannot give an opinion on these, having never ventured inside them....my hubby would die of laughter if he read that last line...he thinks I have been in every blinkin shop in Benidorm...numerous times

One point I would make Helen, whilst clothes for the larger lady are sometimes difficult to acquire here in the UK, they do seem to have a better selection in Spain.
Have you seen the beautiful young senoritas, slim, olive skinned and with dark hair.?
Well. what the

I'm sure you will find something in Benidorm and the beauty is, that not many people in the UK will be wearing the same gear.
Happy Shopping.

Sanji x

Have to say though, I found the sizes to be 'more generous'. in clothes shops in spain. Mum's a size 18 on top, and she bought a lovely tunic top, she was going to try the xL on, but I told her this looked far too big, and to try the L on, which she did, even that was too big, and the M fitted her perfect.(Which she was well happy with!)
You shouldn't have a problem, buying daytime clothes in benidorm , there are clothes shop's on every corner, which sells top, and bottoms, for a few euro's (and at that price, who cares if they last the duration of your holiday!

Have a fab time. (and sorry for my orignal post - just ignore!). BBB.
There is a lovely shop diagonally across from the Hotel Nero at the side of the indoor market Helen. Don't now the name of the shop. It is owned by Spanish people. The shop has beautiful casual and dressy clothes and lovely swimwear in all sizes. I am going to Benidorm next Saturday come back on 4th November. I will check out the name of the shop and let you know what it's called when I get back.
hi helen when you go to benidorm go into beni euro i bought some large tops from there few weeks ago and they do ssg or xxl prices are from 6euros also there are some shops which have xxl clothes near the euro tobacco shop at the far end of levante i also got few things from there hope you get fixed up have a great time julie
Yes, I know that shop and it is owned by the Spanish....I bought the top that I wore at the start of the new year video from there.

There are quite a few shops like that scattered around ...
Sanji x
Lovely knickers to be had in the open market, but I do wish the stall-holders would not immediately point me in the direction of the XL size and then show me how much they stretch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If i wanted a top 16/18 what size would i go for?

I was clearing out the computer room the other day (couldn't do much with having the workmen in) and I threw out all the old papers and the cr@p that I always manage to collect abroad, thinking it may come in useful for this forum...... including a conversion size chart for clothes

I personally would take NO notice of the size label, you have an idea just by looking at the garment whether it will fit you or not....cut the label out, don't let it worry you, the sizing of clothes is crazy, and there are various variations ..EG.
Small is S/P
Medium is M/M, and large is L/G.
X = extra
XX = extra-extra (more than extra)
XL= extra grande or XG
XXL is larger than XL
Once you remember the basics, then it becomes easier to figure the rest out
(S=P, M=M, L=G), you only have to replace the letters accordingly. Therefore you have:
XXS/XXP= extra extra small
XS/XP = extra small
S/P = small
MM = Medium
L/G = Large
XL/XG = extra large
XXL/XXG = extra extra large
Anyway, never mind,

Sanji x
I forgot to pack my lovely new black mules (which went with all the evening attire I had packed)..... so searched the shops..... but Spanish don't do shoes for ladies in size 8! I almost crippled myself in size 7's for a week.
Sorry, slightly off topic
I don't know that you still want or not but if you like to do online shopping so I suggest you check on eBay type stores because they have plus size sec, I personally don't have any idea about SSG size but if you check on there by yourself you will easily find, I hope it ill work for you.

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