hi have just seen about hotels in the paper too. we are going in june to ct staying at lanzarote gardens hope everything is ok
This issue has been rumbling on for a few years now although i understood it was mainly playa blanca hotels - There is a law that no building can be over 3 stories in height...
I have also read somewhere recently that they were now looking at the illegal buildings again and WERE going to demolish and we are going to the rubicon in june which was one of the illegal buildings so hope its still standing by the time we go!
Anyone local got any news on what they are going to do?? demolishing seems abit drastic - I'm hoping they will just allow retrospective planning permission!!
this was going on last year when we went to the Rubicon - and we are booked again for August - they will lose a hell of a lot of tourism if they do - they would be stupid to do it..... I am sure they could 'heavily fine' the hotels and keep them running.
Why should they allow retrospective planning permission or turn a bind eye if they have broken the law?
I read somewhere that the likely thing is that they will fine the hotels and reallocate the money back into the island...
It's unlikely to happen but it should.
Not good at links, but I am sure you can read Telegraph articles on the net if anyone is interested enough to search it out.
Looking at Lanzarotenews.net these judgements were made in 07 and some in 06 - there is an article on there from 06 saying the Pap Arena was to be demolished..........still there as far as I know. I am due to go to Natura Palace in August and am not worrying. However, does anyone know what it means to lose the licence....clearly it does not stop them operating but what does it mean?
I read the article as well and we are supposed to be staying at the Papagayo Arena in June. I phoned the tour operator and they were unaware of the news and said that if anything was to happen they would let us no. I dont know what to make of it. I doubt they will knock down the hotels as surely that would cost more than legalising the hotels? If i find out any more i will let you now and would be grateful if anyone else could do the same!!!
Yes - there are hotels that should not have been built (for varying reasons)
No - your holidays are not at risk right now (speak to your tour op)
Other - Lanzarote takes ages to do anything about anything!
The articles that have been published have been very scaremongering... but didn't report how slowly things move here.
This Island is full of businessmen with brown envelopes. No, it's not right, No , it wasn't legal... and no, it's also not going to change overnight. If they demolish these hotels (and a number of these are onyl half built anyway) then who will deal with the excess staff, reduction in funds to the island, removal of rubble... the list could go on. It may happene eventually... but their are many influential people already working on reducing the impact of this. But of course that's not dramatic enough for the papers to post.
Oh... and it's not just hotels... it's ANY property that doesn't fit the guidelines. This also applies to properties such as villas and restaurants. This story broke here before I even arrived on the Island almost 2 years ago... so it came as no surprise to us. Yes these places will eventually disappear... but not anywhere as quickly enough to affect the dates that you guys have mentioned.
Robertk - like myself - lives here... and it's often a different story at ground level, as he would probably agree.
Elle xx
PS: Of course this could all be a dream... and the bulldozers are due at 9am tomorrow morning. Harumph! Doubt it! But if they do... could someone please ask them to keep the noise down?

Hi, Elle. I don't actually live on Lanzarote. Some day soon maybe but not yet.
Ah I'm confusing you with someone else. Sorry hon!

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