My son wants to take his laptop on holiday to Majorca next month. Jus a couple of questions:
[*]Will he be allowed to play dvds on the plane (Jet2)?
[*]Will we need any different tyoe of adaptor for charging up because of the voltage difference?
Thanks for any replies?
Not sure about using DVD on plane although I have used laptops in flight before. Certianly not during takeoff and landing anyhow.
Cheers Sunbear - thanks for such a speedy response. We've just found out that there is free wifi in our apartments so at least we'll save some money when our lads are wanting to check myspace, facebook etc.,
If you want to watch a DVD on the plane you'll need to make sure the laptop's wireless is disabled
It's fine to use the laptop inflight, including the DVD drive apart from at take off / landing and when asked not to do so by a crew member, eg if turbulance is expected. Basically during the cruise! As cyberspacekadette mentions, all wireless / bluetooth adapters need to be disabled. You'll find a detailed description of the regulation on the CAA's website. You'll be find with voltage abroad as most laptop run off 6-12v and the transfomer will sort it out for you.
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