1. Bl--dy jeeps racing about all over the place are a total pain and really dangerous. They're too big, taking up 2/3rds of the road and going at stupid speeds. Be particularly careful if you're walking on Baga road around the Shooters bar area as I had to jump up on a small wall to avoid being hit by one of these inconsiderate drivers. It's a good job I'd had a drink or I'd never have managed to scale the wall in the first place.
2. Mother with her alleged baby begging on the streets. Yes there's always been alot of beggars about, but flamin' 'eck they were being dropped off by the coach load on Calangute hight street. They nip the child to make them cry as well, so please don't give these people a single rupee.
3. A slight variation to the ear cleaner man. I lost count of the number of times that the same bloke kept approaching me telling me that I had a scorpion in my ear. He would then do a little lunge to remove said creature. In the end I told him it was my pet and if he touched it I'd kick him in the shin.......never bothered me again

Have to say that I would not go to Goa around christmas time again, it was just too busy this year. There's also so much building work going on I dread to think what my little bit of paradise is going to turn into in the next few years.
Just off to look at my photos of Goa from years gone by.