OK i have been searching for the right holiday for myself and family.(1 husband and 2 kids 5 and 6)
And come up with Lloret de mar..stopping at the Royal beach hotel..
what i want to know is
Do you think the hotel and the resort is the place for families to go to.??
http://www.htophotels.com/eng/hotels/toproyalbeach.htm we have just returned from another H.Top hotel in Lloret. We didn't actually visit the Royal Beach, but some people from our hotel went over there for the day and said it was nice! As a H.Top guest you are welcome to visit all the other hotels in the group for a drink/swim/peek at the entertainments etc.
Lloret is a really nice resort with something for everyone, but it can be very noisy, especially at night. The Royal Beach is in the Fenals area which is a little quieter, but in peak season I don't think any part of the resort escapes the noise from bars/discos etc. The beach in Lloret is lovely, but not really good for small children paddling because it goes very deep only a couple of metres out from the sand. I didn't go to Fenals beach (which is nearer the Royal Beach) so I don't know if it's the same there.
There is more info about Lloret here: http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/resort_review_details.php?resort=Lloret%20de%20Mar
and moreinfo about the Royal Beach here: http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/holiday_truths/hotel_reviews/99/Royal%20Beach%20Hotel/
Make up your own mind!
The Royal Beach is part of the H.Top Group: Lloret is a really nice resort with something for everyone, but it can be very noisy, especially at night. The Royal Beach is in the Fenals area which is a little quieter, but in peak season I don't think any part of the resort escapes the noise from bars/discos etc. The beach in Lloret is lovely, but not really good for small children paddling because it goes very deep only a couple of metres out from the sand. I didn't go to Fenals beach (which is nearer the Royal Beach) so I don't know if it's the same there.
There is more info about Lloret here: http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/resort_review_details.php?resort=Lloret%20de%20Mar
and moreinfo about the Royal Beach here: http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/holiday_truths/hotel_reviews/99/Royal%20Beach%20Hotel/
Make up your own mind!

The Royal Beach Is great for familys!! Also Costa Encantada is great but not all inclusive!! I was in royal beach 4 years ago!! stayed in costa encantada this year!! from when i was last there the pools been made alot smaller but yeah u would luv royal beach!! good luck!!
Been twice to Llorett and found the place very tacky and there seemed to be a lot of trouble going on. I wouldn't take any of my kids there. i would say that there are far better places to take them than Llorett.

It is full of hotels, and cheap tourists......... choose another beach more to the north..like Calella...
Went to Lloret a couple of years ago with 2 children. Stayed in The Royal Beach. Hotel was good but really did not like the resort of Lloret at all.
I am afraId all the bad thIngs you have heard about lloret are true - the resort has only got worse over the last few years and now caters almost exclusIvely to the lager lout crowd. a boom town In the 1960s and 70s, lloret now looks shabby and seedy.
there was consIderable coverage of lloret's woes In the catalan medIa In the summer of 2004, wIth the mInIster of tourIsm threatenIng a crack-down on booze-drIven tourIsm. the resort was seIzed upon as catalonIa's versIon of sodom (another resort, salou, Is a good candIdate for gomorrah). the local hotelIers quIckly dIstanced themselves from the mInIster's remarks - probably frIghtened at the Idea of losIng theIr InebrIated clIentele. perhaps not surprIsIngly, several brItIsh tour operators decIded to scratch lloret from theIr brochures, convInced that the resort had reached the end of a long and IgnomInIous road.
loret de mar.now that brings memory's back.it has been a lot of year since i was there .i went with a load of mates.i don't know if its the same.but i found it more for single or young couples.it might have changed was 11 years ago when i was there.
hi ,stayed at royal beach its ok but noisy , The royal star 500metres closer to lloret is part of the same group ,much nicer hotel more deserving its 4 star rating though there are different nationalities as opposed to the r b which is predominately Brits .,,,,,,,,,,,maxie

cant remember if anyone else mentioned it but ....the beach......very steep and rough water at times ........not ideal for small children
My friend and I are going to LLoret for a last minute week on Saturday 9th July. We are in our 40s and from what I've read so far it appears that Lloret is aimed at a much younger age group. Are there any bars, clubs etc that cater for our age group. We like somewhere lively at night but don't really want to be in a place that's full of 20 somethings. Also any recommendations for day trips etc.
I took my kids there last August and most evenings we went for a lovely walk around the old town. There were lots of nice bars and restaurants full of lively 'older' people and plenty of shops to browse around too! There are some British pubs, mainly near the bus station/casino area (the bit where the laser beams come from at night where the kids trampolines are) but the bars in the old town are more 'European' and seem very relaxed and friendly.
We went on a boat trip up the coast to Tossa and back one morning, we were out for an hour and it only cost 8 euros each (and kids are FREE) We also went on the little road trains which take you around Lloret and Fenals and one of them goes up into the hills to a Bronze-Age settlement.
You can go on a day trip to Barcelona - you won't be able to get a direct bus from the bus station, but the reps at your hotel will probably offer a day trip which may be a little more expensive than going DIY, but is a lot less messing around than trekking to the bus station and then having to change onto a train etc...
Which hotel are you staying in? Is it in Lloret or Fenals? I don't know much about what's on offer in the Fenals area (we were only in Lloret for a week) but it's not too far to get over into Lloret, just a few minutes walk.
Have a great time!

You can get a bus direct to Barcelona from Lloret. They go about every couple of hours or so & it costs about £8 return, I think. A tip, though - when the bus gets to Barcelona, don't get out at the big bus station. Stay on until the next, and last, stop - it's much nearer the city centre.
Thanks for this. Very Helpful. We're staying at Oasis Park I think it's in Fenals. I've never been to mainland Spain before. Done all the islands etc but not the mainland so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm actually a Turkey freak and going there in September so this is a little extra which I'm looking forward to.
here and reviews of Lloret here
Pay no attention to the negative points made by some people
you'll have a great time
You'll find mainland Spain is a bit more European than the islands - you'll get a lot of Italian, French and Spanish staying there and of course German, Dutch and Scandinavian - it's all very friendly though, just relax and enjoy yourself!
There are some reviews of your hotel 

You'll find mainland Spain is a bit more European than the islands - you'll get a lot of Italian, French and Spanish staying there and of course German, Dutch and Scandinavian - it's all very friendly though, just relax and enjoy yourself!
Absolutely loads of bars and cafes to go to in Fanals for your age group, as a previous poster said, the younger tourists tend to hang out in just one street.
The old Lloret bus station is currently being pulled down - last week a number of workmen wearing 'Star Wars' type gear were taking the roof off - I presume it contained asbestos.

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