two of our team spent a considerable time investigating the google earth copyright issues. It has to be admitted that Google earth do need to be clearer in their wording but we have found that
the images from Google Earth can be used on your personal web site but not published on third party web sites such as HT without prior premissions. Even when you put them on your personal web site the images must retain all the information that is embedded in them, you cannot erase or air brush that info out of the image.
( a little more faith would be nice sometimes nick!)
We are though, always glad of any assistance in gaining permission.

Could yuou post their reply please I am sure it will be of interest to many on here who use Google Earth.

Wow Nick. It sounds like you don't trust what HT are saying by asking them to post to prove it, rather than having faith in them as Glynis mentions.
I'm OK with it, .....but please make the un-logged-in board design look HORRIBLE, that will remind me to log in before I wonder where all the new post markers have gone!!!!

Acorncup wrote:but please make the un-logged-in board design look HORRIBLE, that will remind me to log in before I wonder where all the new post markers have gone!!!!
I see problem with that is an unlogged board would look horrible and that would probably put off new members.
A personal (i.e. for each individual member) alternative could be to make the log in page your Favourite link. That way everytime you click the HT Favourite you are taken straight to the log in page and can't forget.

Wow Nick. It sounds like you don't trust what HT are saying by asking them to post to prove it, rather than having faith in them as Glynis mentions.
I am assumming that someone from HT HAS clarified the situation with Google and presumably been turned down or they may be asked to pay some exhorbitant fee


I don't mind either as I am sure it's all done for a very good reason, but can we please just have one or the other

I also read this as I was one of the mods who investigated the possibilty of publishing the Google Earth pictures on the site. If you read the part in bold type you cannot provide them as part of a service and when asked if HT would be considered a service the reply was yes. This is the reason that any pictures from Google Earth are not allowed.From what I read there isnt a problem
From the web site
However, you cannot sell these to others, provide them as part of a service, or use them in a commercial product such as a book or TV show without first getting a rights clearance from Google.
I hope that this will satisfy your question on the problem with Goole Earth pictures.

I thought it was regarding 'login on' on ever visit to which, I must say, I am opposed

We have amended some of the code to hopefully stop the log-in problems some of our members were experiencing.

Agree logging in is a pain.
Re the google thing I did raise this issue some time ago. The way I read things google dont object to sites such as this using their images. I dont supose anybody from HT has ever contacted them to clarify the point.
Ah well paranoia rules OK
The name is FALLAN by the way not fallen


PS I have noticed the log me auto option button has reappeared on the Remembrance page

pps sorry for being part resposible for the off topic thingy

I do not mind at all Sarah but this is how other threads go off and back on topic. What is the difference?? 'What's good for the goose' springs to mind. Surely the mods should set the standards?
The name is FALLAN by the way not fallen
As explained, a questions was asked and it was answered to the satisfaction of the person asking it.
Us Mods do try to set a standard but we are all human after all - and that includes making the occasional spelling mistake or typo


I have not noticed anything different. I am permanently logged in on mine.
I'm the same. There is the odd occasion when I have to enter my User Name and Password manually, but on most occasions....I'd say about 85% of the time, I just click on the Hoilidaytruths link in my Bookmarks and I'm logged in automatically as I used to be before the Auto Log In facility was removed.
Came back from holiday 4 weeks ago to one dead pc, just got my new one up and running today and was tearing my hair out with all the bother I seemed to be having everytime I tried to access my favourite site!
Having lost 4 years email addresses, favourites, files etc., to be honest it is a pain at this moment trying to remember which password belongs where. In fact it is an actual nightmare!!!, but then that aint the fault of the site.
I do feel it is a bit over the top, but bow to the administrators knowledge and decisions.
(is the fact that the emoticons don't have any words to say what they are, part of this, or is it me???)
Normally over the last few days I have had to log in if the pc has been switched off but this morning I switched on and went straight to the HT site - no logging on required - just like before!
Ive not noticed anything particularly different to be honest..............but then Im a bit to a twonko where technology is concerned...................I dont really see what all the fuss is about.............I havent had any problems logging in.
Has the system been throwing people out as they log in or what?
Yip! got in without logging in as well

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