from sue
there was a mugging whilst i was there.
the whole seafront was full of dog muck, i was genuinely surprised how quiet it was as well.
there was a mugging whilst i was there.
There's muggings everywhere these days, none more so than the UK.

As botty says some of the front is work in progress at the moment, some of it is finished, when it is done it should be fab. Can't comment on the dog muck, apart from saying I haven't noticed it.

there was a mugging whilst i was there.
just the 1, cause i wouldn't like to think how many there were in my home town tonight.
Why do things like this surprise people.
At the end of the day there are people good or bad live in this resort. And no matter where you go in this world it aint' always good.
I'd live anywhere in the world where there was 1 mugging a fortnight.
the council block jardines del sur needs flattening.
the muck was in all the plant gardens by the side of the road.
i do feel i can offer an honest view of the resort, i have been four times over the last ten years and always stayed in vc2. in apartments owned by family i also do loads and loads of business with TCI as well.
the front was dirty, there was always a wino outside "mas a menos".
the hair braiding women werent hiding form the police anymore why is that?
whilst talking to business and shop owners they all told me how worried they were about the trade, it was so quiet in the bars and shops, i understand the seaason only started the other day but wow, walking down cardiac hill near the market and looking over into "hollywood mirage is it"? the orange and yellow big complex there was not a single person by the pool!.
there are tramps sleeping on the market in the week as well, why cant they be flirted off somewhere else?
can you imagine staying at the arona gran with that next door!
we went in one of those tatty english pubs on the front near jardines del sur and the arona gran, me the kids and wife and there was a gobsh*** on the phone behind us an old man in his seventies 27 times he said the f word not four feet a way from my kids whilst he was on his mobile, my dad was brought up in very harsh circumstances and still lives on the council estate in manchester but i dont ever recall hearing him swearing and never infront of young ones. it reminds me of rhyl or blackpool
one dinnertime my wife was shopping in the area by the church (the three levels) i was at a spanish bar with my son, the one at the far end near a round about , sat at a table outside, and the waitress brought us drinks, pushed his toys over to one side of the table with a beer mat knocking them over put it down and put our drinks on it. we both looked up at her in amazement.
when we came with kids the first time they couldnt do enough for you, how do you expect to get people to come back with that sort of attitude?
the only people who will put up with that are stag wekends and hen weekends, and as soon as people realise you can go friday to tuesday im afraid its going to be all over for you.
the holiday cost us 900gbp in all and we spent arond 1000gbp whilst we were there if you go on teletext website for 4 people you can get 5star AI for around 800gbp in turkey and youd only need pocket money to take with you, its time the cabildo realised what they are up against and did something about it.
only a lighter note, there were a few goods points "maurice" that used to go round the bars floggin junk was an absolute scream better than some of the acts in the pubs.
the weather was ok as well. and i dont think its expensive and the immigrant things is not a problem to tourists as you dont see any.
please dont think im a bitter tourist i promise you i cold have gone for the whole ten days seeing customers of mine on the island i know it inside out and advertise in all the local rags. but i have to say things are on adownward slide for los christianos certainly the far end of it anyway
please dont feel upset by my post if you like it fair enough you like it
but i wish people at work had told me how it had changed before i went instead agreeing with me when i got back

i went to los cristianos the other day to the market it was lovely and the front was aswell wish i could say the same for las americas...what a very jumbled up place
I went to los cristianos the other day to the market it was lovely and the front was as well
We have been 3 times this year and last year 7 times and we can offer a very different view than that posted by j4ckos mate
The council block Jardines and the like serve a very important purpose. Los Cristianos is a working town after all not just a resort ( a la PDLA ) if such blocks are flattend where will all the young locals and working families live.
Its a busy working town and resort and there will be "muck" about but EVERY day there are road sweepers and cleaners and in the last 2 years there have been loads of planting and improvements.
please dont think im a bitter tourist i promise you i cold have gone for the whole ten days seeing customers of mine on the island i know it inside out and advertise in all the local rags. but i have to say things are on adownward slide for los christianos certainly the far end of it anyway
No of course your not bitter

We stay on the Oasis del Sur urbanisation which is fantastic area at the back of LC and we walk down into town nearly every day... the whole place is a hive of activity of all kinds.
New pedestrian pavements all around the town centre and the church square repaved... new street lighting... old resorts (Sur y Sol and others) all now refurbished and modernised.... landscaping and planting.... renewal of the promenade.... new beachfront to connect LC beach to the Arona Gran..... I could go on and on the scale of the improvements over the last 18months have been fantastic.
The whole town is on the up we have watched the massive improvements for the past 2 years and this time next year will see most of the scheduled works completed.
If we loose a few Brit Bars along the fronts who have taken good money out for years and not put anything back... well so be it..... those that have seen the changes coming and have modernised and or relocated Taylors Bar on El Mirador is a perfect example and the new bars and restaurants on the San Telmo frontage...will all survive and prosper.
Edited by
2007-07-01 12:53:43
I fully agree with you Peter. We have been going for the last 5 years and the improvements are superb, especially for wheelchair users. Yes it has been a bit messy for the last couple of years but you have to put up with it. I am on count down now until 24th when I can see what they have done since christmas.
We just got back yesterday and the town is looking fantastic. All the pedestrian roads and the links are finished in the town square. The main road down to the square is finished. They have started on the little road round the back of the petrol station now.
They have also started on the beach front promanade from Chicargos Bar up to the tunnel to San Telmo.
They are making it twice as wide which will look fantastic and doing it in two halves so there is still access all the way along.
When that is finished it will be a fantastic resort. There are also plans to extend the harbour yellow sand beach all the way back to the Arona Gran and move the big ferries down the coast to San Juan.
Oh it sounds lovely, and i won't get to see it till next year.
Pete you say they are moving the ferries does that mean the fred holsen express is going too
All the big ferries will operate from further up the coast towards San Juan I think. They are extending the TS1 up to there to handle the traffic to and from the new ferry port.
This will remove lots of commuter traffic from the centre of LC and will free up the harbour area for development as a marina and fishing port and will free up the huge ferry car park area as well.
I think the plan is this will make the harbour beach more attractive and will allow the expansion of the sand beach towards the Arona Gran end of town.
My own view is they are attempting to get the town upto scratch for the opening of the new Siam Theme Park which is intended to attract lots of new tourism. Its reputed to be one of the best and largest parks in Western Europe.... when its finsihed of course.

Thanks for the info Peter. I am ready and waiting for the 24th. I am looking forward to trying some of the new bars and restuarants at the el mirador complex. It will save the old legs from having to walk all the way into town. or more to the point pushing hubby all the way back up the bank.
The new Italian restaurant El Paridor was great and very reasonable.
We visited last september and really liked the way they were improving los cristianos and playa de las americas. It had been three years since we'd visited and couldn't believe the difference.
We are returning next month and can't wait to see what else is done!

, Well if it was tatty, why go in,there are loads of nice bars to go to.we went in one of those tatty english pubs on the front
. Nah, you've lost me there, no comprendez.the hair braiding women werent hiding form the police anymore why is that?
. Yep, every visit we hear of some sort of crime. People live there, it happens. Just does'nt seem to happen as often as it does back here. And if you consider what's happened here over the weekend, how safe are we? All in all, Los Cristianos is work in progress at the moment, it takes time and money and everything can't be done at once. But it will be worth it when it's finished.there was a mugging whilst i was there
the hair braiding women werent hiding form the police anymore why is that?
I'm taking a guess here and I think it is because a couple of years back the Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero announced an amnesty thing where he granted legal papers to the illegal immigrants that where in Spain and on the Islands (before the mass invasion via boats.)
The idea behind it was, that if they have the legal paperwork and residency papers etc, then they could legally find work, whereas before they may have been in work in the black market because of the lack of papers
If you legally work then you pay taxes, if you pay taxes the government are happy.
So, where previously they would have scampered at the first sign of the policia, they don't have to now if they have legal papers.
They don't advertise a price list for the hair braiding, so theoretically speaking it could be me sat on the sea front plaiting someone's hair just for the hell of it, to pass some time away.
I know they charge, you know they charge and the Policia know they charge to hair braid, but the policia have more important issues to tackle than to rumble a woman (with papers) making a few euros plaiting hair it might be different if she is plaiting drugs.
That's my take on it.

we like los cristanos we have been going twice a year now for some years always stay at victoria court 1 when the resort is finshed it will be nice as costa adeje is now
we stayed up there last year for 3 weeks and thought how nice and clean it was
so lets hope los c is going be the same
from sue
What we like most is that Los Cris is still a working town rather than a pure resort and there is still a local feel and you can see and hear the indigenous population at work and at play. I would be very sorry to see the town lose this aspect which is a great attraction to us.
Chico I only mentioned the frequency of our visits as a counter to j4ackos somewhat jaundiced views based on a visit on average once every 30 months.
We intend to be more or less permanent residents next year and perhaps travelling in the opposite direction 4 or 5 times a year. I repeat that over the past 2 to 3 years the improvements in the town have been staggering IMHO and from what I can establish look well set to continue for a least another 18 months.
I dont want to localise this thread on the African immigrants issue but this has also improved recently. Many of the street traders are now legal, as a result of the amnesty I do believe, although we do also regularly see the local Guardia Civil taking action to disperse them if they are causing a nuisance.

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