I do for the kids backpacks and other halts bag just don't trust them!!!
I Don't bother with luggage labels on hand luggage. They're not really needed on suitcases either as the bag handlers put on official ones. I just like the look of my HT ones attached to my cases
I think it is best to have them on the hold luggage, with destination address and home address, but not in view . I also put one inside like Helen, in case the others are lost.
xx lassi
I just like the look of my HT ones attached to my cases
strangly enough thats what i have been doing this evening ... making new HT baggage labels 2 for the hand cases and one for the hold case . I know they are not regarded as nesasary but
1] the pendle witch wants lables
2] it helps recognise mine coming round as there are so many black ones about
I don't put them on handluggage - but then I only carry my rather large handbag and don't see the point as that would never ever leave my side
I put contact details inside my luggage - hand or hold - but put a distinctive tag (usually of an airline that's gone out of business eg AirUK or AirInter) on the outside of all baggage containing my surname and either my postcode or the address of my town hall. That way it's not so apparent to any would-be thief that my house is empty.
i use the HT luggage label for hold cases but dont bother with hand luggage as its with me at all times
Last year we had a drink in the bar of a Manchester hotel, while waiting to check in. When we got to the room, we realised that hubby had left his hand luggage in the bar. So as careful as you are - it is easy to mislay any type of lugagge.
I put them on hold and hand baggage, just in case they get lost/forgotten on the ferry, especially from Rhodes. I also put a detailed sheet inside the main bags with mobile no. and postcode.
it's wise to have an easily found contact label somewhere but it's amazing how many get ripped off handles and straps, even appartently quite solid ones can unfasten themselves. Helen's idea of putting something inside your main case is very wise, I always put a sheet of paper on top of everything showing which flight/date it was supposed to be on, where I'll be next and when I'm leaving - no point in it being forwarded to a hotel after you've gone home. And mobile number - with the +44 prefix.
http://globalbagtag.com/ but have never got round to it. Like Helen I always put a sheet of paper inside the case with contact details and itinerary and I use luggage labels on my hold baggage. I know that another label is added at check in but either can be torn off so I feel it's better to be safe than sorry, and my label always contains details of the first few hotels that I am staying at.
On hand luggage I sometimes put a label on the cabin bag but not my handbag, though one airline (can't remember which) insisted on labels on both of the bags that I took into the cabin with me.
I've often thought of using this company. On hand luggage I sometimes put a label on the cabin bag but not my handbag, though one airline (can't remember which) insisted on labels on both of the bags that I took into the cabin with me.
It relies on the baggage people scanning the tags and I'm fairly sure they don't go looking for any tags other than the official one put on at check in.

I put them on the cases but only fill the outward journey and then when I come home I just put my house number and post code, not the whole address. I also have sticky lables inside the case.
On hand luggage I sometimes put a label on the cabin bag but not my handbag, though one airline (can't remember which) insisted on labels on both of the bags that I took into the cabin with me.
This has always happened on the few occasions I have used Jet2 and it usually happens with Cubana as well. It's a sign that the check-in staff have a confirmed that they've checked all your hand baggage for weight and/or size. When I queried it with Jet2 staff they said that without it the cabin crew had the right to refuse to allow it on as cabin baggage and I've never been prepared to take the risk that this might be true so have always complied.
At Havana, Cubana insist on shrinkwrapping all bags before they'll accept them for check-in and so it's also too big a risk to not get the check-in staff to put a 'cabin baggage' label on your hand baggage because you can't just hand it over at the aircraft steps for placing in the hold if the cabin crew consider it to be overweight/size. Not only that, at all airports in Cuba, as well as bags going through the scanners at security before you can enter into the departure lounge, there is further manual check of all handl uggage at the gate before you board the plane and I've seen people questioned much more closely if there isn't a label on their bag for some reason. On one occasion, the security man at the gate took exception to the roll of brown parcel tape in my bag and after some humming and hawing on his part, once I understood what the problem was, the situation was resolved when I said that I didn't need it, it wasn't important and he could keep take it. Which he very promptly did and I suspect that was the point all along!
I do put an address on the inside should they get lost . Ive done that since watching the chaos unfold on TV after that BA strike a few years ago . There were hundreds and hundreds of cases sitting here in the UK that were never reunited with their owners because there was no clue as to who they belonged to inside .
Lots of these cases DO have those bagage tags, and look where they ended up.
(Just in case the link doesn't post, or doesn't work, it's You and the Tube - and search for New Zealand luggage)
Monarch always puts a label on hand luggage at check-in which has no info other than it's a Monarch flight

Our hold luggage has the KLM tags on which I sent away for through HT a good while back (does anyone else still have these tags?......Caz
CazOur hold luggage has the KLM tags on which I sent away for through HT a good while back (does anyone else still have these tags?......
yes I have one of those tags Caz which I'd forgotten about until I read your post. I'll have to hunt it out and use it this year

As for luggage getting lost and being able to track it- We now get little sticky barcodes stuck onto our passports as luggage receipts. I'm assuming these would help with tracking

Monarch always puts a label on hand luggage at check-in which has no info other than it's a Monarch flight so IMO a waste of time.
Not if it confirms that the check-in staff have OK'd it as being within their weight/size limits etc. The cabin crew then won't challenge you and and insist that you leave it at the door for placing in the hold. I've always worried at the thought of that happening at that point because it probably means that your bag has none of the barcodes etc that would enable it to be traced if it then went missing. Baby buggies and anything else that you are allowed to keep with you until you board the plane but are then loaded in the hold are tagged with a luggage label at check-in. But having watched people being made to leave too large hand baggage at the stairs or air bridge that they've tried to sneak on I wouldn't want to take the risk.

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