We were scammed over luggage weight by the check in agents.
We knew we had less than we went with because we had packed a wine box on the way out plus obviously we had used things like shower gel, shampoo etc.
As we were a party of four we were checked in together - we put all of our suitcases on the scales and I was somewhat surprised to see a weight of 83 kgs; they had a brief discussion in Arabic and then asked to see our hand luggage - they then asked for this to be put on top of the suitcases.
We were still happy at this point until they announced that we would have to pay £21 cash as we were 3.3kgs over the limit - after a bit of confusion we asked for the luggage to be reweighed but in the meantime one of the party, conscious of the disquiet in the queue behind us, had paid the money.The "helper" promptly passed all the hand luggage back and before we could have the reweigh done he fed the suitcases onto the belt.I did have a chance to note, however, a weight of 77kgs for the suitcases, 6 kgs less than at the start!
We tried to find a rep of African Safari Club or First Choice to complain to, but couldn't get hold of anyone at the time.We were then told at Inquiries that we would have to take up the complaint with First Choice back in the UK.
This particular crew appeared to be playing the scam every 4 or 5 groups of customers - some girls in front of us were charged £40 - another group behind us also got caught as we found out later.
We did ask for a receipt - we have a hand written one on a tear out section of a cheap receipt book.
On return we were very careful not to unpack anything - we checked individual items on digital scales which indicated that we were actually 4 kgs under weight allowance.
We have complained on return and still await a reply from First Choice.
Be very careful on return - if necessary ask for a reweigh at a second station.