last year my friend and I got our jabs, she got hers for free, but I had to pay for mine (cant remember how much) the explanation was that the initial ones are free but as mine was a 'top-up' I would have to pay. Dont know if this is the same throughout the country.
Tip - when going for malaria tablets only visit your local chemist, they are able to get the tablets at a fraction of the price of highstreet chemists. Boots quoted us 30 quid each for malaria tablets wheras our local chemist 15 quid each. Something to do with them not having as big overheads or sommat.
Went to Boots today and was told it would be 30 quid each for malaria tablets. Visited our local chemist who quoted us 15 quid each. They explained that local chemists will sell the tablets at a fraction of the price due to not having as big overheads and are able to buy them cheaper anyway.
More money to spend in Goa!

Don't know if the offer is still on but it's worth asking.
which tablets are you all buying ?
I usually take Malaria tablets back with me from Goa for next time. They are the weekly ones.
Hi SteveM...i do the same...also i end up supplying half of Castleford with there Malaria tablet needs !!!
Gooner, don't know what they are called as picking them up next week, apparently have to take a week before we go, whilst there and for three weeks (!!) when we come back. Will let you know the name.
just found out goa has just been classed as a low risk area for malaria
More than likely Paludrine and avlachlore, the first you take daily and the latter once a week if i remember correctly.
Nikkie, Did you say low risk or NO RISK. As Malaria is such an awful illness which can kill you or at best is with you for the rest of your life. I would say worth taking the tablets IMHO!
Best thing to do with Malaria tabs is to go to your local chemist and buy the minimim amount to get you over the week before departure.Then buy at the chemist in Goa the the remainder you need for your holiday.They are a fraction of the price over there.I also buy another two weeks supply ready for the next holiday
When I was there last April,there were reports in the local papers saying that Malaria was becoming a big problem in Panjim.Best thing to do with Malaria tabs is to go to your local chemist and buy the minimim amount to get you over the week before departure.Then buy at the chemist in Goa the remainder you need for your holiday.They are a fraction of the price over there.I also buy another two weeks supply ready for the next holiday
just wondering how everone manages with young kids. Mine are aged 2 and 4 and I know its going to be hard trying to get them to take any form of tablet. My chemist tells me that you can buy one of these in the form of a syrup but that only provides half the protection. The alternative is to crush them and put it in their water but then again Im concerned about the side effects.
I don't know about the protection offered by a syrup, I would suggest that you visit a doctor. I was told by a pharmasist to go to a doctor who will write a presecription for syrup for kids. You could then ask advise, as well as not paying, cos kids prescriptions are free of charge.
ive been to goa for the last 4 year this year being 5th and have not had malaria tablets as i cant take tablets just make sure i use lot of lavender body stuff and the cream odsmo or something and have never been bitten but i do make the kids take them .
Nikkie, see above post re kids. Do your children take tablets or do they have liquid? Perhaps you could advise Gooner......I haven't had to take children anywhere that requires Malaria protection. I do know that some brands taste really horrid, I have trouble swallowing them myself, Yuk!!
£1.55 for a weeks supply per person, so needed 7 weeks each ( one week before, two weeks in Goa and four weeks on return) whole lot cost
£43.40 for all four of us.....much much cheaper than Boots. Have got
Paulidrine/Avloclor, which come in boxes of 7 weeks supply, that is weekly Avloclor ( 2 tabs) and Pauliudrine ( 2 tabs a day)
Got them three days after ordering. They have to be signed for when delivered.
Hope this helps
ive got 2 kids age 10 and 6 and i give them the one aweek tablet first time i went to goa i brought 2 tablets before i went and then got the rest in goa and i all bring back some for the next year and my kids have had no side effect from them the chemist says that you have more side effects from the everyday then the one a week

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