Diving is a fun sport and is suitable for all levels of fitness. If you are diving in the Maldives, you'll be going by the PADI standards. You'll also be spoiling yourself, the maldives have some of the most diverse marine ecosystems on earth, nowhere where you dive will be up to the maldives standard!
With the sounds of it, you have never dived before and want to try diving for the first time? If this is the case, then the medical and fitness requirements will be explained to you in resort.
The minimum level of fitness is being able to swim 200m unaided in under 10 minutes (or 300m with fins in 8 mins from memory). Providing you can acheive this, then you pass the minimum fitness requirements. Diving, however does pose certain medical risks due to the impacts of pressure upon the body. There is no legal requirement to completed a dive medical before you travel to the maldives (in some countries it is mandatory), although it is worth checking with the diver centre before travelling to be absolutley sure. You will be asked to fill in a health declaration questainnare when you arrive though (all divers, not just beginners or course students have to fill these in). If you can asnwer no to all the statements, then you are fine. If you can't answer no to all the statements, then discuss things with the dive instructor / leader (if you answer yes to any of the statements, you are obliged to see a doctor specialising in diving which is why it's important to discuss things with the instructor first). More information is availalbe on the
PADI website.
If you send me a personal message with your email address, I'll send you a copy of the PADI medical questionnaire. If you have any burning questions, fire away. I'm a qualified rescue diver.
This is a link to the
diver centre where you are staying if you haven't already seen it.
Have a look at this, the Maldives are even better than St Lucia in terms of marine life. You'll love it!
You may be lucky enough to see some of these as well