Hello oaks 12, If you look on page 2 of the Malta review and go do to a post I put up some time ago it is called ( all you need to know about Malta) there are some links to sites on the internet that may help you, I use them for info about malta when I visit.
thanks dave i,m sure it will help
I would recommend going at least half board as it can become costly eating out in Malta, especially if you have kids.
I was greatful for the half board as it saved me alot of money. I found that a standard lunch for me and my 6 year old daughter came to around £15 per day, although you can buy cheap snacks from kiosks.
Malta is quite expensive... I found that it is more expensive than London and I got through around £400.00 in 1 week, just from travelling, entering historical heritage sites, etc.
(I'm not having a go

Last time I was in London, a round of 8 drinks in the local pub cost me £28.00Stg (Lm17.00) 4 Pints of Beer, 2 x Gin & Tonic, 1 Jack Daniels and Coke and One Baileys on Ice!! In Malta you can buy such a round from a night club for well under £14.00Stg which is 50% less. Food in most restaurants is also relatively cheap....yes there are the expensive ones too and certain restaurants you will pay more than London, but then it depends on the portions, quality and service too. Rest assured that Malta is much cheaper to holiday in than London...starting from the price of the Hotels to the entrance fees for the local attractions
that round in a bar in Gozo would be about (lm 80c*4+60c*2+60c+60c) lm5.50-6, or about £9-10 !!
From your normal run of the mill village bar, yes that is correct, but not from the nightclubs Mark
well ill throw in my pennys worth,..i have a friend just come back from malta...they ate out every night...3 course meal ,bottle wine,beers,came to under 5ml each...i think thats a bit ok....im off to malta on 23rd august for 2 weeks im soooooooooooo exited.....
well, I went to Gozo and went to many of the historical sites and museums, etc. I didn't go on any excursions, everything was done DIY.
I found that eating lunch cost around £15.00 a day, plus snacks and other stuff for my daughter during the day. Most of my money went on food, entry to historical sites.
Taxis were expensive, originally when I went to Gozo, the taxi driver quoted me LM25, I got him down to LM15, but for dropping me off at different places for a total of 5 hours and not waiting for me, I felt it was expensive. In total, I took 3 taxis; 2 for the airport runs and one around Gozo.
The only cheap thing I found was the buses.
This is my experience, perhaps I was eating in the wrong places. The people next door to me in my hotel either side were self catering and they told me that it was costly eating out everyday for meals.
I just found that London is alot cheaper than Malta and that I felt like I spent alot of money there, much more than I expected to spend.
if you come to Gozo (or Malta) again, let us know on the forum, and we will recommend cheaper restaurants that are just as good - after all you could easily spend more on food in London. If nothing else, surely your hotel was cheaper than the London equivalent ?
Also, I guess it boils down to knowing where to spend and familiarity of surrounding areas.
I usually holiday outside of Europe and have never been to a country where sterling is weaker than the foreign currency so I usually feel like my money goes further.
http://www.smart.com.mt which is a local supermarket online and just compare the food prices to what you find in the UK. Yes some items are slightly more expensivesuch as clothes and cars, but even eletronics now are vey cheap in Malta....for example a 42 inch SONY plasma screen sells in Malta for Lm950 compared to Lm1,000 in the UK!!
Lm15 for a taxi that dropped you off at various points over a period of 5 hours EXPESNIVE?? Oh come on have you ever tried taking a taxi in norway or Germany or the South of France or anywhere in the UK??? I guarantee that it would cost at least Lm15 for 30 minutes in which ever country you go. Whoever says that Malta is more expensive than London, really has no idea what they are talking about. I do not want to offend anyone here but if you want a real comparison of prices just go to and I'm not so sure clothes are more expensive - maybe for brand names, but not for basic t-shirts, shorts, jeans and trainers which describes what I wear in Gozo 300 days a year. One (hidden) area Malta is more expensive is that you don't get the supermarket branded products to the extent as in the UK - apart from that, here's some (carefully chosen !) examples (some only apply to living here, and not being here as a tourist)
petrol 40c/litre (about 65p)
car service LM15 (£25)
fully comp car insurance LM82 (£130)
no council tax
pizza LM1.50 (£2.50)
mobile text message 2c (3p)
house - buildings and contents insurance LM150 (£250)
cigarettes LM1.50 (£2.50)
cinema LM1.80 (£3)
piano lessons for the wife LM3/hour (£5) - she paid £40 in London
hairdresser LM1.50 (£2.50) for me, and LM1 for the wife - v £ 10 & £30 in London
health insurance - about half of UK
top quality gym - less than half London
roundasapound - are you comparing living in London with being on holiday in Malta, as I can assure you comparing like for like - ie either living v living or holiday v holiday, Malta is far cheaper
Edited by
2005-07-03 08:28:47
I found it expensive, that's ME personally.
roundasapound - please don't take my posts the wrong way - one thing I like about this forum is the friendly banter - so many other forums are either too polite or become slag-off fests ! check out this link, the funniest thing I seen on the net
I wondered if I had offended someone before with my posts because I got one aggressive response.
That clip was very funny, made me laugh, thanks

I visit London for business about twice a month and visit Malta every year as our best friends are Maltese.
You must have really been going to the wrong places to eat.
Malta is very, very good value for eating out if you know where to go.
If you like good pasta and pizza you can eat like a King for very little.
Our family love this type of food and thier are so many really excellent places in Malta that fulfill our needs. From small family owned places to the large 5 star hotels - we have eaten in them all and in every case I reckon that we would pay at least half (if not less) than London prices.

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