Hi Sliema2,
Mate if I'd heard that once off folks I must have heard it a thousand times especially off people who have never been to Malta!

Why oh why do they use this inane phrase about Malta since as you've pointed out, you really can say that about anywhere.
When people say it to me now I just grit my teeth, smile and answer yeh!

I have absolutely no time for anyone who goes for a moaning holiday to Malta and I avoid them like the plague. I personally think this phrase would be better suited to Tunisia

- but then again we hate that place with a passion!!
By contrast during our recent holiday we got friendly with a couple who enjoyed a drink like us

and seemed to be intent on making the most of their visit.

I never heard them moan once and they were great company. They hadn't been to the Island before but after a couple of days they were working out how soon they could come back

even though they were well travelled people.
Although we make a point of not taking personal details

since we believe that holiday friendships are simply just that, they did say that they are likely to return in October and would we be here! I don't think they hated Malta but liked it (sorry but couldn't resist that one!!!)
Anyway we don't care really if folks don't want to go to the happiest place on Earth

as long as we can always visit and enjoy this wonderful Island,