Hi all, for those of you who don't know, in Malta if you see the word "Marsa" in a place name it is old Arabic for harbour or similar ie Marseille in France, so for example Malta's most famous fishing village Marsaxlokk means harbour of the winds, "Xlokk" is Maltese for Sirroco which are the warm winds that blow across the central Meditteranian from the Sahara, so if you put the two words together then you get Marsaxlokk, in Malta the word Marsa appears a few times, of course there is a dockyard town called "Marsa" which is self explanitory, however can somebody please tell me what the place names "Marsascala" and "Marsamxetoe" mean in Maltese ?, obviously harbour of something, but what do the bits "Scala and Mxetoe mean ?.
Many thanks in advance
hi there sliema2 marsaskala is from marsa li sqallin meaning port of the sicilians marsamxett i'm not sure about i'll have to dio some research or maybe a maltese member can shed some light
Brilliant Alan, many thanks for that.

Hi, I like the way X is used in Malti eg; Ta'Xbiex (Tash-beesh) or Xaghra (Shahh-ra) or even xejn (zero, shayn) is it any wonder it is so hard to learn another lanquage, or what about Mgarr (Imjarr) and then there is Qrendi (Rendi) I give up all I have left to say is.
you forgot Xemxia (shemshia)
its worse than that - its Xemxija - score in Scrabble ??
I have just bought a Maltese/English CD and although I'm trying the language is certainly a challenge.

and how could I forget Ghajnsielem (Einseelem), Xewkija (Shaokea) and Xaghra (Shaara)
I "think" it just means sunny, but you could well be right
Hi all "Xemx" is deffinitely Maltese for sun.
Not wishing to start a squabble and risk this link being locked but...
I thought 'Xlokk' was Maltese for 'South east'
"Xlokk" is Maltese for Sirroco

Why didn't I double check first??
Apologies Sliema.

It appears 'Xlokk' has 3 meanings. 1. Sirroco. 2. South east. 3. south wind.
Ah well. We all live and get educated

It is her 30th Anniversary soon and I would love to send her a text message saying in Maltese
" happy 30th anniversary, have a lovely day, and don't even think about replying in Maltese!"
Can anyone out there put that into Maltese please for me. (I will have to trust what it says so no monkey business

bear in mind that Gozitan is different to Maltese, and even varies between different villages/towns, so whats right in one place could be wrong 1 mile away, so Charliegirl, it could just be your friend and not you.....

Awwwwwwwww thanks mark, I bet it was her not being to understand my 'northern' accent!!
For your friend's anniversary you can text her this:
Xewqat sbieh ghat- tletin anniversarju! Il-gurnata it-tajba! Tithajjarx tibghatli lura bil-Malti!!
Hope this helps.

blimey! watch out that you don't get repetitive strain disordor texting all that
Awww thanks for that Ingliza, my friend will be so impressed with me. I do hope it says what I want it to and not, " your bum looks big in your new dress!"
Honest, that is what it says - the only bit I had to change were the first two words "Xewqat sbieh" means "best wishes" rather than "Happy" - it wouldn't sound right in Maltese.
My 23rd anniversary tommorrow - but Holiday Romances never last, do they?

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