GinLizzy - I will have to think, but it's the day to day stuff that we need most, Shampoo, Conditioner, cleaning products, a pack of pan scrubbers etc would come in handy, Air tight food containers (ALthough please don't everyone get these otherwise we might get hundreds!!! :o), baby bottles, (again need 10 max total, wet wipes would be good, it's no fun cleaning up after the babies!Treats for the children (preferably not sweets though, like things you can make), things that come in powwder form that you can had water, or milk to to make desserts etc, then the children can help make etc. We do have an oven, but it's electric and the power isn't always good....
Metal lice combs, small Christmas presents etc... That sort of thing, it's the things that I can't think of which would probably be most useful..
TightJock - Do I need to ask what's behind your HT Name?

Thank yoou so much for all the support, we will try and get things ready so we can give the clothes out to the children who need it.... Maybe a few more trips, Mumbai, Managlore, etc to give some out...