you will see many shops selling same as in market and alot of time you can haggle the same price as market,
i tend to look a round for first week then when i know prices from different places
the secound week i buy, i found this quite usefull
hope this helps
Better to go for the one in Icmeler on a Wednesday, it is held in a much more pleasant space in the open air, and has a more relaxed atmosphere, though doubtless the Turkish salesmen there are just as keen to rip you off.
There are loads of fake designer products, from handbags to perfumes, but take care, the perfumes do not neccesarily smell like the real mccoy and can stain your clothing, also if the clothes you buy are given to you in a packet, open the packet to look at the item for many have reported getting home only to discover that the adidas tee shirt they bought with a small size marked on the packet is actually large enough to fit three people in, or is streaked/faded. Another trick is that some stallholders sell the delicious baklava in boxes which look as if they hold a large number of the sticky sweets, we fell for this and bought two boxes for quite a considerable price, then upon our return discovered that there were just six very small sized stale baklava inside - the ones you could see through the plastic window in the box - and the rest of the box was stuffed with packaging. Best to only buy this loose from a reputable baklava shop, the same goes for Turkish delight.
Just take your time, don't be pressured, and be firm but polite when refusing pushy salesmen, then go back to your hotel and take several strong pain killers!!!!!

However, I wasn't prepared for a bottle of WATER!!!!
There's no trading standards out there, and the bugge** will rip you off if they can.
I'm afraid I steer clear of Turkish markets........ Once bitten twice shy!!!
Although Fethiye market on Tuesdays is good for a look around as it's more local produce.
To be honest it is perhaps better to buy your goods in shops rather than on the market, for although in an earlier reply I advised holidaymakers to open packaging to view garments so that they can be sure of the size, condition, etc., this could cause the stall holder to become angry and demand payment simply because the packaging has been tampered with. So by all means go along to a market to experience what it is like, but try not to buy anything unless you are absolutely sure of its condition and value, saving your shopping trip for the shops where you have less chance of being ripped off.
Must agree with most of what has been said, if you are looking for a recommendation in what to buy. Genuine Turkish bath towels are fantastic, I bought mine years ago and they are still snow white and thick like new.
We did this and bought some really nice jeans.
However, would not buy the perfumes, for these are all boxed and sealed, and the testers may not contain the same stuff you are buying. A woman in our hotel complained that she had bought some perfume the year before and when she took it home and opened it found out that it had hardly any scent at all and when she wore it she came out in a rash.
Everything in Turkey is copied and they are really good at it ,but there are things that you should steer clear of ,such as perfumes ,after shave, cigarettes,tobacco.On the outside these goods are exact copies .People know they are copies but still expect to buy 5 bottles of perfume for a tenner and 5 packs of tobacco for a fiver and find the stuff inside to be copied to the same standard as the outside .It just cannot happen,so stick to what you can see and feel.When you decide on an item and have agreed the price hold on to it and make him hand you the bag so you can put it into it yourself ,then they have no chance of switching it.

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