For all those people who cant seem to get the webcam working here are a few tips ive picked up :
1) make sure you have java as you wont be able to see a thing without it.
for those who dont have java click onto its absoutley free to download and enables you to talk in the holiday truths chat room aswell.
2) i've realised that it sometimes doesnt work but you have to be persistant. If you get the java logo inside the box, click to activate then it should bring the webcam up.
This morning i tried this but it didnt work, again i tried this afternoon and it did.
maybe theres some1 switching it on and off to save power or something.
3) sit back and enjoy
falling that there are other webcams on the internet, just type in marmaris webcam and take ur pick (I think it shows the same as this webcam tho so dont be disappointed)