Spain - Balearics - Menorca Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Menorca.
Medusa Plague
19 Posts
Can you explain more, because the only medusa im aware of is the one in greek mythology
Yep. Its a kind of jellyfish. When in contact with human skin it causes burns.
Thanx Fiona, you learn something new every day.

gwhite i go to Menorca in two weeks and it's not putting me off a well earned holiday

You can go to cornwall and get basking sharks !
Well, as I live in Portugal, spending money and not have the chance to dive in those wonderful blue waters puts my mind to think it might be better to go to Algarve( or Allgarve as those stupid politians decided to call it now :D )
I really need to know this because the deadline to cancel the reservation is near. To the people who have just came back from the island, How are the things? Is the plague controled? The beaches are open?

Thank you very much. Any kind of help will be appreciated.

We have just returned from Menorca tonight, and I can safely say that there were no signs of jelly fish on beaches of Cala'n Bruc, Cala'n Bosch and Son Xoriguer for the last week!

I hope this doesn't change, but I'm sure you will have a great time. The beach at Son Xoriguer is particularly good, but would particularly recommend the other two.

If you want to know anything else, please ask.

We left early evening and the temperature was 32 degrees, and returned to the rain and temperature of 14 degrees - we wished we had stayed.

Sorry, meant to say "wouldn't particularly recommend the other two" (Cala'n Bruc and Cala'n Bosch)!

welcome to HT Annie :D Hope you are not depressed just now:lol:
There you go gwhite- thats what I call up to date information!

just came back from Cala'n Blanes ( brilliant holiday ).

There the odd one or two jellyfish but i was swimming/snokelling most of my 2 weeks away and visited numerous beaches.

I don't think thats too bad. I see more walking along the beach in the uk.
I agree with M1ke, i wouldn't let this information put you off your holiday. May i ask where you heard this information from because we went to Cala n Bosch last year and there were rumours about jellyfish then, but never saw 1 for the 2 weeks we where there.

If im not mistaken jellyfish only appear when there are strong currents / storms
ive never seen jelly fish walking on the beach lol

Got back from Arenal d'en Castell last Friday and yes there were jellyfish in the water. Not that many though. I made it in for a short swim. A friend got stung but it left no mark and was not that bad. I think it depends on the wind were the jellyfish end up. We went to Greece some years back and there were loads more there. Last year the beach in Arenal was okay for the first week and then we had jellyfish the second week.
Thank you all for the information provided.
I think I'm going anyway.
I heard this from a couple of friends and in the media (both spanish and portuguese).
Thank you Annie for the beach suggestions and do not fell bad. Here in Portugal we are having the strangest weather. Three days with very high temperatures and now its raining and windy. The weather is crazy!!!
I must admit I have seen more jogging than walking !

We returned from menorca last wednesday, and saw a handfull over the week, these were stray ones.

Nothing at all like other years when they were also on thier annual holidays!!!!!!!
just back today did see numerous jellies around calan brut (bruc) if anyone knows calan bruc its maybe 200 yards long and we counted maybe 15 small brown jellyfish and two large white jellies ,I saw a few whilst snorkelling in calan bosch not lots, also saw a few in cala turqueta none in galdana .I think that the fear we have of jellyfish is out of proportion to what they can inflict on us ,last year most of my family were stung in majorca but we only experienced mild pain akin to nettle sting .But the buggers still worry me
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