Caribbean Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Caribbean

We normally go to the Caribbean in October and have been to Mexico several times. The weather is very hot and sunny for most of the day at that time of year, and I wouldn't expect November to be much different to October. The clouds usually come over in the afternoon and it rains heavily for about 20 minutes, then they go away and the sun comes out again and within a short time you can't even tell it has rained (and even when it IS raining it is still hot). I don't think Cancun will be quiet, the Caribbean is an all-year destination which does have peaks and troughs but never seems to be quiet. We actually went in January this year and there were still loads of people about of all ages - families, couples, same sex groups and everything

For safety, Mexico is very safe to walk about in, unlike most other Caribbean destinations. My wife used to regularly walk out and about on her own whilst I was doing something else and she felt quite safe.

Cancun is very lively and, if you stay in the hotel zone, there are lots of clubs and bars around. For alternative Mexican destinations, look at Playacar. It is about an hour south of Cancun and the hotels are in a quieter area but the main town of Playa del Carmen is only a short walk away or a $5 taxi ride. Again, quite a few bars and restaurants in Playa del Carmen but it isn't as busy or as large as Cancun.

Have you been to anywhere in the Caribbean before?


i have read your answer with interest,as we go in 3 weeks & was abit concerned,about the weather.we are going to the riviera maya.
we have been to mexico twice before,in nov,but that was to the pacific side.puerta vallarta & it was glorious.
you have put my mind at rest,that we may see some sun!
op,sorry for hi jacking your thread,
Hi Tracy,

If you are going in 3 weeks then it will probably be hot all day and night and still quite humid. Lots of sun (normally) but it is the tail end of the rainy season so a bit of rain in the afternoon is almost guaranteed. But it IS usually only very short. I think the longest I have known it rain was for about 45 minutes and we just sat out under the sunshades until it stopped as it was still steaming hot. I can't remember ever needing a jumper or long trousers when we have been in October (but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take any) :)
Where are you going on the Riviera Maya? We went to Playacar in the Riu Tequila (3 times) and it was awesome, and we are off to Jamaica on Tuesday for a couple of weeks (YESSSSSSS!!)



Thanks for your response. very helpful.

We have only been to Dominican Republic in October and that was a bit hit and miss really. Some days were nice, others very over-cast.

I think Cancun is most suitable for us, but we just need to decide between there and Thailand. Obviously Thailand will be cheaper, and it is the start of the season in some parts. We also probably prefer the food there, but might try something different.

How much money would you think we'd need for 2 weeks, probably going out the vast majority of nights into the lively part, and having a few meals away from the hotel?

Hi RonFur,

That is a question I couldn't, and wouldn't, really answer. If I said £500 and you ran out after a week then my name would be mud. Similarly if I said £500 and you only spent £300 it would be the same ;)

The only thing I can say is that there are plenty of ATMs in Cancun :tup

Mexico isn't expensive, but it all depends on what you want to do. Some of the more famous clubs (Coco Bongo's etc) aren't cheap to get into but I believe that the drinks are all free when you get in there (from what I've heard. Don't take my word for it as I've never been).

From my own perspective then we normally take about £200 - £300 for 2 weeks but don't really go out into town in the evenings very often as we are all inclusive.


we are staying at the gran bahia principe riviera maya.
we are taking £900 spending money,even though we are all inclusive.
the trips i have planned are
xcarat-swimming with the dolphins
tulum ruins
quad biking &
i wouldn't mind going to isla mujieras (have i got that right)
so i hope we are taking enough.have you been on any,of those trips?
my grandaughter,is really looking forward to it.hope we get our tickets soon,as you know you are nearly there,when you get them,in your hand.
Any idea what the situation with Swine Flu is like over there now?

Obviously it is now worldwide, but it did seem to be a lot worse over there than most places originally?
No sign of swine flu whatsoever. More chance of getting it over here. Coco bongo's is $50, the other trips are much cheaper booked on the street rather than with your travel reps. The dearest is swimming with the dolphins. A lot of trips you could do by yourself using the ADO buses.

Hi Tracy,

£900 should be more than enough BUT it all depends on what you are planning on doing outside of the hotel and how you are paying for your trips etc. There are lots of ATMs around and credit cards are widely accepted. When we went earlier this year we took Pesos which worked out far better than US dollars when we were there. Things were a fair bit cheaper using Pesos when you work out the exchange rates they use in the shops. They converted it at around 10 - 11 pesos to the dollar when the actual rate was 14

Regarding the trips, I have been to Xcaret, Xel-Ha and Tulum. Xcaret was awesome with lots of different things to see and do and you need a full day there to see everything, but the snorkelling was not as good a Xel-Ha. The innertubes and snorkelling at Xel-Ha were awesome but there isn't much else to do there. Tulum is good but really only needs a few hours, you may be better combining this with another trip and doing 2 in 1. We combined Tulum with Xel-Ha and found it worked out ok. One thing about Xcaret and Xel-Ha, if you are going in the water then you will need biodegradable sun cream. They WILL take non-biodegradable off you at the entrance if they find it. Also, at Tulum there is very little shade so you need to be careful if it's hot.
You should try Cancun but don't go on a trip, do it yourself. If you go to the bus station in Playa del Carmen you can get an airconditioned coach to Cancun for about £4 return. It takes about an hour and they run every 10 minutes. Then just go out of the bus station, turn right to the main road, then turn left and there is a bus stop for the hotel zone local bus which is about 30 pence regardless of how far you go. There are lots of shops, shopping centres, restaurants etc round there. If you do this, check whether there are any hotels in Cancun which belong to the same hotel chain. They will probably let you drink and eat there if you go. We did this with the Riu hotels


theres some great information there keith,thank you.
we are taking pesos,as i have read on here,it works out better.
getting excited now.just booked our quad biking trip,the grandaughter will love this!
thanks for all your help
Great informative advice there keith, we don't go till march, but have already noted some of you suggestions, thats what this site is all about, sharing information, so thanks from me too !
Cancun is a tasteless, tacky, large resort full of North Americans.... sure you want to go there?
i'm sure,we will all make our own minds up,especially as some of us,are not actually staying in cancun!
a holiday,is what you make it :)
it's a shame your post,couldn't have been more informative,for us all,who are due to travel,to the region.
Luke, I have just come back from Cancun. It was neither tasteless, tacky or full of Americans!!!Cancun is not all about the hotel zone. There are plenty of lovely places in and around Cancun.
May I suggest that if you don't have anything constructive to add, then don't post!!!

Hi as soon as i had read your topic i had to reply as me and oh cancelled our holiday last year 4 the same reason
we took a last minute holiday to mexico staying at riviera maya 15th december the hotel was great and weather fantastic not a cloud for two weeks
hope you find a good holiday as i know from experiance it is not nice to book a holiday then cancel due to bad reports
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