hi ive been told that you have to pay a entry fee to get into mexico?
is this a new thing as ive crossed the border from the usa into mexico by foot twice
in the past without paying a entry fee????
Thats correct, you pay once leaving the country not entering. Has for the States i think its slightly different.
theres an exit fee of around 50-60$ payable at the airport, which were gonna have to pay soon!!!
thanks for your replies looks like gonna have to keep sum $ back
Just got my tickets, you can pay dollars or Mexican pesos, no brainer for me mexican pesos which works out cheaper with the exchange rate
We paid exit tax in Sterling coming home this year and got change in pound coins, something that we didn't expect, as we had been told that we would not get change!
I was in Mexico last September and we had to pay approx $50 each when leaving the country at the airport - I,m sure I read somewhere that you now have to pay upon entering Mexico as well - can anyone confirm this for me as we are going back this September? Thanks!
You only have to pay on the way out!
just back exit tax $55 payable in pesos or $
hi we are going to sensatori 29th september for 2 weeks. anyone been,. or going around the same time
going to sensatori crete 14th sept ,take it you are going to Mexico,the location in Mexico is quite remote for me personally, we prefer playa del carmen but it is in a fabulous location I just know youll enjoy as no one does A I quite like they do in Mexico please keep me up to date as to how it goes and I will keep you up to speed on crete cheers, Bill ps 29th september is my birthday
hi I will let you know what it is like. I willalso have a few drinks for your birth day
is this value per person?
Yes, although you can only pay in pesos or sterling, not US dollars and it has to be cash, so set it aside at the begining of your holiday as there are no cash machines at cancun airport.
I think I paid 640 pesos, I took mainly pesos and just a little $US as a back up.
Cost is per person and children pay the same, so it's a fair bit of a cash for a family of four.
We had conflicting info on airport cash machines, one rep thought there were three, while another reckoned there's only one which regularly runs out, so as juby5 says, best to get it before hand.
To be honest I took 660 with me for the exit tax, because they is what I thought it was but I am sure I only paid 640. It was all a bit chaotic.
does anyone know why they stopped takeing $ in sept 2010?
It was a goverment descision to stop accepting US $, it is all as clear as mud http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=147891
thanks kiltman, I see what you mean lol.
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