Hi Jacki2u I bought the fan because the air condition gives me a sore head and when you go out the electric goes off (key on fob that go's into the wall for electric) although we took the key off the fob and left electric on when going out, nothing was said although the maids had a habit of slipping the fob halve out the wall so electric went off, anyway I left the fan on at night in the bedroom and it was nice and cool when we went returned to apartment, the other thing about the air condition is that it is right above the sofa bed in the lounge so it meant you were lying under it when sleeping, something I was not happy at doing, friends who were with us had got the air condition before buying a fan also, said that the fan was better than the a/c and ended up not using the a/c.
Hope this makes sence to you and if not just ask and I will try and explain better