TFS1 wrote:I always thought those sitting in emergency exit seats ie in the front row and over wing had to be actively mobile ie able to walk without the need for aids and also be able to assist others if required ?
There are certain seats on Monarch which are designated as emergency exit seats, or rather seats where passengers who are able-bodied are required to be sat. These are not necessarily on the front row however. For example on the A321 at the front of the plane these emergency seats are located at row 2 C & D and row 3 C & D. You may notice that these seats in particular are located in the aisle.
However, there are occasions where you may be sat next to an emregency exit and be expected to assist and be physical able to do so. This is true at Doors 2 and 3 (the emergency exits and not the Main exits) on the A321. If you are sat here then you should be able to assist in the event of an emergency.
Of course, classifying somebody as able-bodied or able to assist can be somewhat subjective. Telling somebody who has paid for their extra legroom at the emergency exit that they have to move may not always go down well. However, the cabin crew will always ensure that somebody who can at least walk unaided is seated in this area.
Even in premium you can't pick which film to watch?
Mobor One wrote:Even in premium you can't pick which film to watch?
In Premium there are several channels and each has a different film/programme showing so you are able to choose which one to watch. However these are on a loop and you do not have the facility to fast forward, rewind or pause. Hope this helps.
Last time we flew Monarch premium we were on the right hand side of the plane, and weren't allowed to use the toilet as it meant crossing the galley.
Is this standard practice, or were our crew not a happy bunch?
However, if no work is taking place and there are no obvious hazards then there isn't really any reason why you should not be allowed to cross through to use the toilet on the left hand side at the front. I must admit though that on some occasions I have worked with crew that simply don't like or allow it. If it makes any difference though I can tell you that the toilet at the front is no different to the toilets at the back of the Premium cabin

partyboy_uk wrote:If it makes any difference though I can tell you that the toilet at the front is no different to the toilets at the back of the Premium cabin
I was just going to say that! The toilets are the same whether at the front of rear, it's not a 'premium' toilet! You would expect the ones on Concorde, when you consider it was several thousands per return trip from LHR - JFK, would be lavish. In reality, it's not much different than any onboard Monarch aircraft, slightly more crampt if anything due to the sleek fuselage and other than the lighting and quality of tap and soap! Just use the one aft rather than crossingthe galley, it's good to stretch your legs once in a while anyway.
May be cleaner though, due to less use. We upset people when we tried to join the queue for the loo, as we approached from a different direction, so had to keep squeezing past people already in the queue, and accidentally kept stepping on the man in the extra leg room seat.
I would say the ratio of passengers, per toilet, is roughly the same in both economy and premium, so probably all get similar usage. If you have to use the toilets at the rear of the premium cabin, just choose a quiet time when not many queuing. I've had to use the 'economy' toilets with Thomsons when the 'premium' toilet has been blocked, and just went when there wasn't much of queue.
hi, is there a thread on here for questions about the flight delay compensation claims from monarch? thankyou
Here you go AIR PASSENGER DELAYS AND OVERBOOKING. Its in the Holiday Complaints Forum and is generic rather than anything specific to Monarch.
Hi im travelling on ZB7288 from Gatwick to Friedrichshafen this Sunday and was just wondering whether anyone knows if the plane operates a flight beforehand and if so which one?
The aircraft operating your flight night-stops so your flight is the first one of the day.
I have just booked my extra leg room seats on monarch to Tenerife, and im sat at row 4, which type of aircraft will this be, thanks.
sarahcharles wrote:I have just booked my extra leg room seats on monarch to Tenerife, and im sat at row 4, which type of aircraft will this be, thanks.
sarahcharles, please provide your dates of travel and departure airport or flight number for aircraft type.
Sorry my dates of fights are 17/09/2013 returning 01/10/2013 from manchester.
17/09/13 ZB564 0745-1215
17/09/13 ZB568 1455-1925
01/10/13 ZB565 1330-1755
01/10/13 ZB569 2040-0055
All of these flights are currently showing as being operated on an Airbus A300B4-605R. You can find more information about this aircraft on the What Aircraft? Guide.
Please be aware that details of these flights may well change before your date of travel and so if it is important to know the aircraft type ou are on it might be best to check back here before you travel.
Thank you partyboy_uk,
WE have just booked a Monarch flight , would it be possible to give the aircraft type/ seating conf., so I can see if its worth booking extras?
Welcome onboard

LGW-AYT-LGW (ZB204/5) are operated by Airbus A321-200. You'll find extensive aircraft information on our What Aircraft? guide (link below).

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