Monarch Flights and MEAL's ?
Has anyone got any idea whats going on with the in flight meals ?
We have flown several times with Monarch and never had any real problems but this last flight in May (MAN to LCA, LCA to MAN) was a little different (nothing complaint worthy, just annoying).
On our first (some years back) ever flight we tried to book an in flight meal and were told they don't do them, but snacks are available on the plane. Wasn't a problem and we made sure we had eaten, took some money for snacks etc.. On the plane we it turned out we could actually buy a full meal like you would get on any other flight and snacks and crisps etc (this is how its always been)
However this time we got on board (no in flight entertainment as seems to be the norm)... came to meal times and "have you booked a meal sir?" was heard from in front.. So cooked hot meals were available but you had to have pre-booked them ? When we booked the holiday with Olympic about 10 weeks before flying (flew in May) there wasn't an option of pre-booking meals. This meant we ended up with a bacon sandwich and a box of pringles... wasn't ideal but as I said not worth complaining over.
Now we've just been looking to book with Monarch Holidays directly for August and again no mention of booking the in-flight meal ??
So was this some mistake on the last flight ? something we have overlooked?.. a change in the small print that says we should ring a number after booking or something?
Thanks for any info