Than you Twinkletoes, that's much appreciated.
Hi there, could someone tell me what type of A/C will operate the MON7436/MON7437, Manchester to Dalaman in late July, early August ?
Travelling from Manchester to Dalaman 29th July, MON 5078/5079 has anybody got any info on the aircraft please. Thanks
MAN/DLM MON5078 is also operated on an A321-200
More information on this aircraft can be found on the What Aircraft? Guide
Photos can be found on my media page
Many thanks for the quick reply it's much appreciated.
Cheers for the reply, made up its the A321, at least then I know I've got the satisfaction I work on and know how its made over the 757 or the A300, which ain't as reliable lets say.
Hi, i am flying out to Sharm el Sheikh from Manchester on 14-07-2011 on MON1286 and returning on 21-07-2011 on MON1287, could you please let me know what aircraft i am flying on.
What Aircraft? Guide. The first 9 rows of this aircraft have recently been reconfigured for extra legroom.
Razza923, the MON1286/7 is due to operate on an A300-600. More details on this aircraft can be found on the Luton to Dalaman - Sat 21 May - 1515hrs monarch airline (think its a Thomas Cook charter) returning Sat 04 Jun 2315, any info would be appreciated, have not booked meals as they seem very expensive - what is available to buy on the plane and what are we travelling on - have not booked seats either - so will be there very early to check in.
Thanks in advance xx
My partner and I are planning to travel London Luton to Faro on Fri 20/05/11 on ZB56 and returning on Sun 29/05/11 on ZB57.
Can anyone advise us on the planned aircraft for these journeys please, and suggestions for best seats please?
We're thinking about upgrading to 'extra legroom seats' (believe both of these are scheduled flights rather than charter flights) but have perceived through some postings both here and elsewhere that it's not really worth the extra costs. Any thoughts?
We're also a bit miffed about the relatively early return flight (1020hrs ex Faro), so had thought about 'mixing and matching' airlines and returning in the afternoon on an Easyjet flight........but too much viewing of TV's 'Airline' programme, and rumours about the cons of 'Speedy Boarding (Plus)' and the scramble for seats once you've boarded, have put us on guard about flying with them!
Any views on the above would be greatly appreciated please!

Looking at the seat plan on Monarchs webpage it looks like the Airbus A320 on both ZB56 & ZB57 with 30 rows of seat in a 3 - 3 configuration both flights are scheduled and not charter, we always book extra leg room seats when we fly to Palma, our preference is at the front of the aircraft but it is a personal preference so everyone is different.
As for mixing and matching again it is about personal preference, I cannot comment as I have never used easyjet and always prefer to use the same airline both ways.
Hope this is of help.
huskypup wrote:Luton to Dalaman - Sat 21 May - 1515hrs monarch airline (think its a Thomas Cook charter) returning Sat 04 Jun 2315, any info would be appreciated, have not booked meals as they seem very expensive - what is available to buy on the plane and what are we travelling on - have not booked seats either - so will be there very early to check in.
I think you may be refering to MON3892/3 LTN/DLM 1550/2105 and returning 2250/0115. This flight is due to be operated on an A321-200. More details on this aircraft can be found on the What Aircraft? Guide and pictures are available on My Media page.
You can get some details of what there will be available to purchase onboard from Explorer, the Monarch in-flight magazine. Go straight to p.212-215 for a full list of what is sold onboard and prices. There are likely to be some changes to the products sold onboard by the time you travel but this will give you an idea.
Although I am not fully aware of the seat allocation with charter flights, I believe many tour operators allocate passengers seats approximately 24 hours before you travel; so turning up earlier at the check-in desk will not necessarily mean you get to choose the seats you would like. Be aware

Has anyone else got any firm answers on planned aircraft type and seating suggestions for these flights please? PartyBoy UK and Dazbo always seem to have some inside knowledge on these things!
Hi, I was just wondering whether Monarch show films on their scheduled flights to Tenerife any more as I heard that they had stopped doing this?
What BigAl said in his post was correct. Your flight is due to be operated an an A320. Extra legroom seating is entirley down to personal preference and offers up to an additional 6 inches of extra legroom. The only other thing you might want to consider with regards to seating is that the extra legroom seating at rows 11 and 12 is situated next to the overwing emergency exits. If you sit here then you will be required to place all your hand luggaage in the overhead lockers for take off and landing (not something that is usually a problem for most to be fair). The same will apply at row 1. Some people also prefer not to be sat at row 1 as there is a screen or wall directly in front which does not allow you to stretch your legs in the same way you might be able to if you were sat behind another seat.
I can't really comment on the boarding procedures for Easyjet and what the experience may be like other than what you might have been told already. With Monarch your seat is allocated at check-in if you choose not to pre-select your seats beforehand and this is stated on your boarding pass, so there is no need to worry about being at the front of the queue when arriving at the gate.
If you have any other questions then please feel free to ask.
Monarch do not show films on flights to Tenerife, however they do show a series of programmes on flights that have an IFE (in flight entertainment) system installed. An example of the type of programmes you might expect to see can be found in Explorer, Monarch's in-flight magazine. If you got to p.126 you can see details of the current listings. This will change by the time you travel but you will have a general idea. Headsets are available for purchase at £2.50
I have just traveled to Tobago with Monarch on what I believe is the same aircraft you will be on (Airbus A330-200).
While I didn't actually use the extra legroom seats, it was clear from the layout that every seat had a reasonably decent view of the TV screens.
Think we will be booking extra leg room seats now, as I do like a stretch on a long journey

Thanks again
Can anyone tell me what kind of aircraft will be operating Luton - Larnaca 14/09/11 ZB856 & Larnaca - Luton 28/09/11 ZB853
Also are seats in row 9 any good on this aircraft?
Cheers for any help

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